WhatsApp or Telegram?

Boris Markarian
78 replies
Telegram is getting bigger every day, but it's still not as big as WhatsApp. Which one is more popular in your country?


Odeth N
whatsapp. telegram has too much noise.
Sandra Idjoski
In Serbia WhatsApp is definitely more popular among young peopel in general, while many in the IT space use Telegram. Viber is actually very popular among older generations here πŸ˜„
Alexander D
Whatsapp for the kids school chats, Telegram for everything else :)
angel william
personaly i prefer Telegram
Chalie Clark
whatsap must
Yan Fernandes
Telegram!!! But here in Brazil, everyone uses whatsApp, so I just use telegram for automations or with a couple of friends.
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Boris Markarian
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@tamsin hahah, why, what do you like in WhatsApp?
priyanka prasad
I still haven’t got a chance to ise telegram extensively. Watsapp has become the default option
Simon Rosner
For me WhatsApp is best
Stain Lu
Grimo AI (Alpha)
Whatsapp more popular in Singapore
Boris Markarian
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Sugar Free: Food Scanner
@stainlu Wow, I didn't know, how is the weather in Singapore?)
Haiwen Li
WhatsApp absolutely!
Maurizio Isendoorn
Whatsapp. Prefer it because everyone has it in the Netherlands (where I'm from)
Boris Markarian
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Sugar Free: Food Scanner
@maurizioisendoorn Wow, I didn't know that WhatsApp is so popular in the Netherlands, so you don't use telegram at all?
Julia Engelsmann
Whatsapp! All of my friends use it and I couldn't reach everyone on Telegram