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  • When do you put video on / off for Zoom?

    Richard Fang
    28 replies
    Or whatever video meeting service you use :) Just wanted to hear some thoughts when you think you should put video on and off


    Abel G. weldu
    Mostly off. Except when it is a first time meet up with a potential client or interviewing a candidate.
    Richard Fang
    @abel_product Mm yeah fair points - interviews are definitely one of the key events that I always have my cam on
    Misha Krunic
    Hi, Richard! In my case, it really depends. If I'm a part of a larger meeting (25+ attendees) then I turn it on only when I'm talking. If it's a smaller meeting it goes on a case by case basis. Cheers!
    Richard Fang
    @price2spy Very true - in large meetings I actually keep it off unless I need to talk. I feel like there's not much value going on if I do have my video on 😂
    It's a good idea to keep it on. It's hard to talk to blank screens as body language plays a big part in communication.
    Kristina Longmuir
    I usually join a meeting with camera OFF. Once I'm in and see if others are in attendance, I will turn it on. Occasionally I need to address something off camera and I may turn it off again to go handle that item and put it back on when I return to focus on the meeting.
    Richard Fang
    @kristina_longmuir Haha this is what I always do - good points
    Derek Duban
    On if their's is on, unless I know them personally, then always on.
    masaru kita
    It's basically ON, but it depends on the size of the meeting! or when I smoke to avoid getting caught! haha
    Dimitris Karavias
    Always on. Only exception is if the connection's bad.
    Richard Fang
    @dkaravias Funny enough this happens a lot in Australia LOL
    Jake Strouse
    Off if there are more than a few people in the call. If I can blend into the background of faceless people on a call, I will do that.
    Benoit Chambon
    Just a few specific moments when I turn the video off (when I blow my nose (because I'm sick), when I receive a short urgent call and I don't want (out of politeness) my interlocutor to think that I don't care about our call, etc...)
    Arsen Ibragimov
    I always stay on because in these covid times it is good to see each other :) btw do you have any lifehacks or tweaks using Zoom? I posted mine here https://bit.ly/3nyq2Ne I'm curious what do you think about them and pls feel free to share yours!
    I always have video on. Sometimes though, its refreshing to have an actual phone call 👏
    Matthew Browne
    For me - lockdown has really made me change my behaviour to have video always on, makes the calls feel so much more personable
    Richard Fang
    @matthew_browne1 True - I think we've changed how we approached video calls with the pandemic lockdowns!
    Richard Fang
    @matthew_browne1 Also congrats on Upflowy! I still need to check out your tool properly (Steward reached out to me about this!)
    Jui Pandya
    For me, its on and off. And I created a product for better controlling turning on and off https://www.goboop.io/
    Ahmed J
    Usually, like most people who answered, I enter the meeting with my camera off and turn it on if others have it on. Considering we're currently working in a start-up, I'm a big fan of having brainstorming sessions and important discussions with the camera on. It's difficult to build a strong company culture when most of us never met in person yet, so seeing live reactions during debates/discussions is important in my opinion.
    Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
    Always on! I don't feel like I can truly engage when my video is off.