When giving feedback: ๐ค > โ๏ธ?
Ben Cotte
27 replies
I am *always* using audio when I am asked for feedback on an article, or a landing.
An internet friend of mine told me it might be cultural.
I just think that audio can convey more nuances and more empathy & is a bit less effort to do (at least for me).
What do you think? When it comes to give feedback, do you prefer audio ๐ค or written โ๏ธ?
Joshua Dance@joshdance
Summer Bod 2020
I like people to edit the actual Google doc. Type out your changes or suggestions and I will accept or reject them.
๐ฎ audio ๐ค is trending uuuup (currently 45% / 55%)
Written, it makes me more productive.
Depends. On an article, I'd give feedback written. It's a habit from university and collaborating on long articles.
With anything that is more visual I'd do audio (screenrecording).
Written for me as I can read it more quickly - but I might accept audio if it was auto transcribed...
I prefer written feedback, as it lets me organise my thoughts better!
I prefer written notes, as it lets me put more thought into what I want to express.
Audio messages are perfect for support and encouraging I suppose, as it does convey more empathy, just you said :)
There's more engagement / back and forth involved with spoken. Although if it's only one-directional audio, you capture the tone of the speaker which you can then value which you don't get as much with written. With written there's more room for thought and focus is entirely on the message, rather than presentation. There's a lot of hesitation and friction when recording audio IMO.
@samir_moussa this makes a lot of sense, thanks for sharing your thoughts. In a way, with audio feedback, I see it easier for the "roaster", but a bit harder for the "publisher". Wdyt?
@ben_cotte Yes true. I always prefer to get my thoughts out in voice. For the publisher, sometimes you don't want to say anything to avoid biasing the roaster's opinions.
@samir_moussa There might be use cases where getting a high volume of low-effort audio feedback might be valuable. I am dedicated to finding this out with https://www.producthunt.com/upco...
I prefer direct feedback..helps me understand objectively!
Good idea!
@ula_ostrowska Thanks! I feel like I am some kind of audio fanatic ^^ - maybe sometimes soon, we'll be making the world an *audio* place ๐
Most preferred would be visual, because we can say a lot in non-verbal expressions. Audio helps when there's no visual medium present. There are instances where written would overpower both these, but that is quite rare.
I prefer to write feedback and receive written feedback: that way I can read the feedback again and make sure I am doing the right things and not forgetting to improve something.
Be specific when describing the situation. When giving employee feedback, it's important to explain the situation you're addressing.
Explicitly describe the behavior.
Consider your "I" and "you" statements.
Offer suggestions for improvement.