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  • When is it appropriate to hire someone to help as an individual?

    Abid Unnisa
    6 replies
    For a person who works a 9-5 and has a lot of other freelancing projects going on, plus a self brand to promote(including building their own online presence). Are these requirements enough to hire someone to help or is there an app for that too?


    Barnee Lloyd
    I think it's appropriate to hire someone to help when the tasks you need assistance with are outside your skill set, are time-consuming, or require specialized expertise that you don't have! If you have the financial means to hire someone, and the tasks are important to your personal or professional goals, it can be a great investment! You'll need to weigh the cost of hiring someone against the benefits they'll bring and ensure that you can effectively manage and delegate tasks to them. Ultimately it depends - do you want to expand your freelance work into becoming a company in future? In that case, it might be a good idea to start experimenting with hiring if your goals + budget allows it! If you just want to remain solo long-term, but have a bit too much to manage right now, maybe you can get some temporary contract support for a few specific tasks.
    Abid Unnisa
    @barneelloyd tasks are within my expertise but definitely time consuming. And a company/business of my own by the end of the year is definitely on my mind. Also, how should I decide how do I pay them🤔
    Barnee Lloyd
    @abid_unnisa How, as in how do you get the money to them? Or as in how to decide how much to pay them? The former I can't really help with, unfortunately - it depends on the country. I'm only familiar with the 'how' in the UK! For the 'how much?', you'll need to research/identify: - What skillset/experience do you need for this role? - What is the current rate for someone with a similar skillset? This is an important early step to determine whether you can afford that skillset. - What will they contribute to your future business? By having them, what can you now do that you couldn't before? And how will they help make your business growth more sustainable in the future? What is the value of that to you? - Can you offer them other compensation/benefits, such as equity, bonuses, perks? - Use this info to determine a competitive salary that fairly compensates them for the impact they will have on your business. Just remember that while a fair salary is important, creating a positive work culture, offering opportunities for growth and development, and providing a good work-life balance can also contribute to the success of your business and the satisfaction of your future employees! A common mistake is to just use the current market rate to determine that salary. Researching the market rate is only important to understand whether you can afford the skillset. Always compensate people based on their impact on your business 😊
    Abid Unnisa
    @barneelloyd That was really insightful!! Also yeah i was asking about how to decide how much to pay them. That was really helpful!!! Thanks a lot
    Ceeya AI - Personal Brand Builder
    To determine whether to hire someone to assist you, consider whether it will save you time and make financial sense. If you're feeling overwhelmed with your workload and struggling to keep up, hiring someone may be a viable option. Remember to do a cost-benefit analysis to ensure that it makes sense for your specific situation. It's okay to try hiring someone and reassess the situation later to make an informed decision. I say hire now and see how this helps or not.