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  • Which domain registrar do you currently use or have you tried?

    Luca Rossi
    20 replies
    Hello Everyone, I'm the maker of Momento, a powerful platform that help companies and developers managing their domains and SSL certificates. Momento it's built on top of the registrars functionalities, and with more registrars we have, more possibility you'll get to manage your domains easily in one place with a simple and beautiful UI. Which domains do you currently use or have you tried?


    Ivan Verkalets
    I’m currently use GoDaddy and Namecheap. Just discovered Momento - looks nice and simple! Do you have an API?
    Luca Rossi
    @verkalets Hi Ivan! Thanks for your comment! I'm currently building it but sure there will be an API! The most interesting function in Momento it's that you can import and manage your domain from your registrar. And Namecheap and GoDaddy are already supported out of the box. So you can add/manage/renew/buy your domains directly from Momento!
    Artūrs Jaunošāns
    Namecheap and Namebright
    I use namecheap but I always use route53 or cloudflare dns. As in, the domain is in namecheap but I managed it on aws/cloudflare
    Luca Rossi
    @kureikain Thank you! We're planning to support also DNS managed in other platform like AWS and Cloudflare 😉
    Aryon Sunrise Hopkins
    I've been using Name.com for 5+ years after leaving Godaddy. Godaddy offers too many services and it gets confusing navigating to domain services. Name.com has been great but I just logged back in today and the UI got a very aggressive upgrade (big fonts and colors).
    Angela Goodhart
    Namecheap. I still have a couple of domains on Bluehost and GoDaddy.
    Md Salehin Khan
    I use ResellBiz for my clients domains & my personal & business domains from Namecheap
    Himanshu Sharma
    I've tried GoDaddy and Namecheap. I prefer Namecheap when it comes to managing domains etc but use GoDaddy for buying domains. No obvious reason I use GoDaddy other than recall value. GoDaddy is the first thing that pops in mind even though I'm not fond of it!
    Welly Mulia
    Have tried Godday in the past. Have been using Namecheap for all my domains and ssl needs. Since Namecheap UI is simple and easy to understand, and they show you easily which domains or ssl are about to expire, can you enlighten me why would someone want to use Momento? Maybe this is more for an agency or consultant who manages different domains and ssl for different clients via different registrars?
    Luca Rossi
    @welly_mulia Yes, this is the purpose. A lot of web agency and companies manage a lot of domains and ofter are registered in more than one registrar. This mean you get notifications from every registrar and you don't have a global manager but you must go inside every panel. This also applies to DNS records not only domain management
    Nova N.
    GoDaddy, Momento looks great, thanks.
    Derek Leiro
    Goddady mostly and Namecheap
    Caribbean Star
    I currently use porkbun and namecheap