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  • Which part of your daily routine is non-negotiable? ⏱️

    34 replies


    Leo J Barnett
    Reading first thing in the morning after waking up. My favourite thing.
    @leojbarnett great habit! do you read fiction or non-fiction?
    Leo J Barnett
    @fekdaoui Both! So important to have balance. E.g. lasts books read were Iliad, Ikigai and now Traction :)
    Interesting one) I would say having breakfast)
    Chirag Dodiya
    Taking bath as soon as I wake up. Puts me in the most freshest mood.
    Buse Kara
    Feeding my cat🐱
    Jane Alexander
    Taking a bath as soon as I wake up puts me in the freshest mood possible.
    Gregory Adams
    Puts me in the freshest mood.
    Teddy Coes
    Working out. It makes me feel a bit rejuvenated and a bit exhausted too. Haha.
    water right after waking up from the bed, then coffee for breakfast :)
    Shailendra Singh
    Preparing the list of to-dos first thing in the morning on Workflowy. It list the tasks I think I can finish in a day. Tasks I cannot finish are pushed to the weekly bucket
    Fabian Maume
    The 2 batches of maté 🧉
    Randy Taylor
    For me having breakfast, I need energy !
    Steve Howard
    Caffeine- It maintains my sunny personality.
    Getting adequate sleep. Getting some form of physical activity.