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  • Which social media do you neglect the most? Be honest. 😃

    I have to admit that for me it is TikTok.


    I believe I should have a presence on LinkedIn, Threads, and Mastodon, but finding the time has been quite challenging.
    Sambit Bhaumik
    @mho22 I agree with LinkedIn. I have often been suggested to keep it updated and be active in networking. But I never feel like I have the time for those efforts
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mho22 Which social media is your favorite?
    @busmark_w_nika I would say X but to be honest I still can't figure out how it works precisely. My engagement rate is not great.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mho22 TBH, I have to be more active on X to gain a follower base, but I do not care so much for this platform. I should, but I currently want to concentrate on LinkedIn and YouTube.
    why tiktok
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @usign Because I am more interested in such things as careers, SaaS, Tech, Startups and PH and LinkedIn are spaces that represent my interests (and hobbies). TikTok is somehow out of my interest.
    Crystal J
    Modelize.ai 1.0 - AI workflows
    For me: Reddit and Youtube Fun Fact: I'm really good at TikTok content creation and ads, because we previously developed an AI chatbot app, and gained 1 million users from TikTok. TikTok is an effective platform for promoting apps as it offers cost-effective advertising that reaches our target audience directly. However, it's not suitable for promoting web products due to its low conversion rate.
    Martin Schumacher
    @crystal_j Is TikTok really this effective? I really couldn't imagine promoting software on a platform like tiktok. But there's a time I thought the same about Instagram.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @crystal_j What accounts do you recommend to follow on TikTok? + what is your TikTok handle?
    Crystal J
    Modelize.ai 1.0 - AI workflows
    @mighty_muddy Yes!! Particularly for Gen Z apps. You can engage in influencer marketing, create ads, or boost your own videos. Our previous product called gemsouls, https://www.tiktok.com/@gemsouls
    Crystal J
    Modelize.ai 1.0 - AI workflows
    @busmark_w_nika Our previous product called gemsouls, https://www.tiktok.com/@gemsouls. I don't have specific accounts to recommend for you to follow, as it depends on who your target audience is and what accounts they would be interested in! I would say TikTok is the best platform for Gen Z app marketing.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @crystal_j I have seen that account. Wow, totally amazed at how you promoted virtual characters and it obviously worked!
    Martha Snooper
    Tiktok and Facebook
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @marthasnooper Yeah, I think that FB was the very first social media I signed up for. Now, I only check it twice a day. :D
    Igor Lysenko
    LinkedIn, Facebook, and PH itself
    Max Joshua
    Facebook? :)
    Nico Spijker
    Facebook, also think it has become a lot harder to organically get traffic through there so it's a deliberate decision.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nicolaas_spijker Instagram is also the same. I am not reaching such many users as I used to.
    Nico Spijker
    @busmark_w_nika Yeah the requirements for Instagram are also too high but also because it doesn't connect with the Niche as much. It's just me so posting 3x reels 3x posts 3x stories etc a day is just too much for the ROI/type of product I'm working with unfortunately.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nicolaas_spijker Which product do you promote on Instagram?
    Ahmed Mobin
    Tiktok, facebook
    Sarah McKean
    Tik tok and Youtube -- video content is definitely the most time consuming type of content to create!
    Vincent Delitz
    @busmark_w_nika Twitter / X - I should be more active there
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @vdelitz What are your thoughts about Threads? Do you think it will outperform Twitter?
    Facebook and Threads. Tiktok is banned in India.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @mehul_fanawala Oh, Didn't know about that. Why is it that way?
    @busmark_w_nika government banned many apps from China and this is one of those app.
    Nika its same for me Tiktok 🤣🤣🤣 it eats my mind 🤣🤣🤣
    Asim Javed
    Yes, Tiktok is very cringe sometimes to be on. At circler.io I want to aim to be consistent with our LinkedIn and Twitter. What do you suggest for B2B exposure. what platform are recommended.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sam_circler I would recommend LinkedIn and building community somewhere, for example Slack.
    Saniyyah Prima
    For me personally is Thread. I think X/Twitter is still much better based on its functionality or the users. Isn't the majority of everyone on TikTok nowadays?
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @saniyyah Do you think that X will remain still above Threads under the Musk management? Today I read an article: X’s Latest Traffic Numbers Show a Decline in Average Time Spent Per User
    Saniyyah Prima
    @busmark_w_nika Not sure tho if Musk would make another or change his policy again toward X. In my opinion, X will remain still above Threads if Threads don't make some improvements or differentiation features from X. There's an article stating that Threads saw an 80% drop in daily users within weeks. Anyway, nice insight Nika!
    Probably Facebook and TikTok, I have never liked FB and always avoided their products and never even opened a TikTok. I still like the more nerdy ones like Reddit.
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @reconcatlord Yeah, I am also there. TBH, I am almost on every social media (ok, Snapchat not) but you can find me anywhere. 😃
    @busmark_w_nika Did you ever try Mastodon or Threads?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @reconcatlord Mastodon – I only login but have never been an active user and Threads – I just check it once a day but I do not post actively. :-D
    Eric Savina
    CANVID for Windows
    X. I know I should not neglect this platform but it is so toxic.
    Lol right now I’m neglecting all of them except LinkedIn
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @slimmy82 Yes, my LI receives attention so I started with posting a little bit. Haha.
    @busmark_w_nika how often do you post on other social media channels?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @slimmy82 Taking into account PH – every day YouTube – started doing videos for international audiences (I aim to post every week when I incorporate interviews with entrepreneurs, marketers, founders and product makers. Currently 2 times per week. Twitter – randomly (I know, shouldn't neglect it) LI – randomly (the same as for Twitter). 😃 The thing is that I have also social media for the Slovak Republic (the country of my origin) and at first, I started doing content here, posting there 3 times per week but when I repost something in Stories, I have content for every day. 🙂
    I might occasionally neglect facebook and tiktok. I'm working on finding a better balance. 😅
    Autumn Perry
    I often find myself neglecting LinkedIn.