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  • Why I Chose to Live on $200/month

    Mohamed Zakarya
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    $200 Sitting here reflecting on my journey, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. My name is Mohamed Zakarya, and I want to tell you my story.


    It all started when I landed my first job as a software engineer, a year before graduation. I was excited and eager to learn, and I did learn a lot from it. But after a while, my job started to be boring and repetitive. I couldn’t handle it anymore, and I knew that I needed a change. That’s when I decided to start a side hustle with a couple of friends. We wanted to build something that would be useful and valuable to people, something that would make a difference. And that’s how BITHUB was born. At first, it was just a hobby, something we did in our spare time. But soon, it became something more. We started to invest more time and energy into it, and we began to see some progress. We started to get feedback from people, and they liked what we were doing. They found it helpful and valuable, and that motivated us even more.

    Tough times

    But then, things started to get tough. We were still working on BITHUB on the side, but it was taking up more and more of our time and energy. And then, suddenly, it happened. I quit my job and decided to focus only on BITHUB. It was a difficult decision, and it wasn’t an easy one to make. I was leaving a stable job with a steady income to pursue a dream, a vision that wasn’t yet realized. But I knew that I had to do it. I knew that I couldn’t keep doing something that wasn’t fulfilling me anymore, and I knew that I had to take a risk and chase my passion. It wasn’t easy, though. When I quit my job, BITHUB wasn’t generating any revenue yet. I had no idea how I was going to make ends meet, and I had no idea how I was going to pay the bills. I was living on just $200 a month, and there were times when I thought I had made a mistake. But I refused to give up. I kept pushing forward, day after day.

    Things started to shine

    And then, something amazing happened. A couple of months later, BITHUB won 5th top product of the day and top marketing product of the month on Product Hunt. We got featured on multiple newsletters and online forums, and people started to take notice. Product Hunt It was an incredible feeling, and it made all the hard work and sacrifice worth it. But it was also just the beginning. We still had a long way to go, and we still do. We’re still a small team, and we’re still working hard everyday to grow BITHUB and make it the next big thing.


    Today, BITHUB is still a work in progress. It’s tough, and there are days when I feel overwhelmed. But I know that I am on the right path. I am proud of what we have achieved so far, and I am excited about the future. I know that we can do it. Because we have something special, something that sets us apart from the rest. We have passion, perseverance, and determination. We have a vision that we believe in, and we have a team that supports each other and works together towards a common goal. And most importantly, we have you. You, the people who believe in us, who use our product, who support us and help us grow. You’re the reason why we do what we do, and you’re the reason why we’ll keep going, no matter what. On the day that I am writing this, I still live on that same $200, but I can see the growth of BITHUB in front of me. With each new user, each new customer, each new positive review, I know that I’m one step closer to achieving my dreams. It’s not easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. That’s why I’m so grateful for all of you who have supported me and BITHUB along the way. Whether you’re a customer, a user, or just a supporter, I couldn’t have made it this far without you. And I know that with your continued support, BITHUB will only continue to grow and thrive.
    So thank you. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and thank you for believing in us. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we won’t be able to do it without you in the future.
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