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  • Why it's so hard to replace Twitter ?

    5 replies
    Do you agree that smaller, novel “alternatives” like Mastodon and Hive won’t replace Twitter either – even if they have similar functionalities, add useful features, or try and remedy problems with Twitter by enforcing things like ultra-strict content moderation?


    Joseph Natoli
    LOOFT- A/C Redefined
    Critical Mass. Twitter reached an adoption point that is tough for other platforms to catch-up with. Same story was with Instagram a few years ago until Tik Tok hit their Critical Mass point and really blew up. It will take years for any company to catch-up to a point to be a real threat, but it will likely happen.
    @joseph_natoli Agree with u. What's in your though the way like Tiktok for Instagram, one company can hit Twitter ? I see Twitter as a place for thinking coordination and also amplification, that's the main feature of Twitter but no either alternative try to compete in this area. It's confusing.
    Joseph Natoli
    LOOFT- A/C Redefined
    @abdou_mrehouri Hey Adbou, I am not sure I am following here, but I will do my best. "though the way like Tiktok for Instagram". I think you mean my thoughts on something like a Tik Tok for Twitter... No matter what it is, there will be a competitor eventually. Maybe it is already Mastadon or even Truth social. To answer your question on why it feels different enough than the other ones though, in my opinion it is because it is treated as a "public service" despite it being a private, for profit company. No matter if you are discussing Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or something else... these platforms have just become propaganda machines which is more concerning when you think of it as a "who wins" or "what can replace it".
    Chris Sarca
    It's the same simple reason why YouTube won't be easily replaced. Anything like that is not viable anymore, they bleed money, and it's not enough to have a large user base if there is not an efficient monetization system in place. At this point there are similar platforms that come and go, some get acquired and stripped of their features, or simply the big boys add similar features, and the new and small platforms without money to keep up, just fade quickly.