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  • Will AI Agents Replace Human Sales Demos? Let’s Discuss!

    Evan Paul
    4 replies
    With AI evolving rapidly, do you think we will ever see full-fledged AI agents running demos for clients? Imagine the possibilities: 24/7 availability, personalized interactions, and seamless scalability. What issues do you think this could solve in the future? From reducing the need for large sales teams to providing consistent and tailored demos, the potential is huge. Join the discussion and share your thoughts! Plus, check out our own step towards this future with Fluidworks Live Video Agent, now live on Product Hunt. Your feedback and support are invaluable! πŸš€ πŸ”— https://www.producthunt.com/posts/live-video-agent-from-fluidworks


    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @evan_paul! This is an exciting topic! πŸ˜„ The idea of AI agents running sales demos is fascinating. Imagine the improved efficiency and the personalized experiences for clients! It could truly revolutionize customer interactions. Consistency and scalability sound like massive benefits too. 🌟 I'm especially curious about how Fluidworks Live Video Agent tackles these challenges! Checking it out on Product Hunt now. Can't wait to see where this tech takes us! πŸš€
    Evan Paul
    @abhra_ch : Thanks for the enthusiasm! πŸ˜„ We're excited about Fluidworks Live Video Agent tackling these challenges. Your feedback on ProductHunt means a lot! πŸš€
    Alistair Blake Sutherland
    AI sales demos are definitely a possibility in the future! The key will be designing AI agents that can engage in natural conversations, quickly understand the client's needs, and dynamically customize the demo experience. There are still challenges to overcome, like the AI being able to handle unexpected questions or objections as smoothly as a skilled human sales rep. But I'm excited to see tools like Fluidworks pushing things forward. Scalability and 24/7 availability would be huge benefits. Curious to hear other people's thoughts on the potential and limitations of AI for sales demos!