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  • You should consider quitting your job in 2023. Here are 10 reasons why:

    Ravan Mahmudlu
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    1. The Internet: There has never been a better time to start an internet business. You have access to 4.9B potential customers. Break your current earnings into weekly chunks. Can you find enough people to pay you each week for your knowledge or services? Likely yes. Get to 60% or 70% of your current earnings before making a leap. 2. Your health: During the pandemic, many people got significantly less healthy. Now, we're back at work and also trying to play catch up on our health. That's not a fun game to play. Take 12 months and zoom in on your health with more free time. 3. Your family: Your spouse/partner is getting older and your kids are growing up fast. Are you going to be happy that you spent more time at the office, or built a business where you can spend the majority of your time with your loved ones? 4. Your Time: Time moved slowly when I was a kid. A little faster in my 20's. Then? Bang. I'm 41. I can't imagine spending the prime of my life missing my wife, not being able to explore the world or see my parents before they are gone. 5. Loyalty: In case you've missed it, companies are laying folks off at a pretty rapid pace. Newsflash: You're a line on a spreadsheet until the math doesn't work out. The days of 30+ year careers at companies are over. Employ yourself and you'll get the boss you deserve. 6. Leverage: If you build a successful online business, you create incredible leverage. You become harder to control. You can say no more. You can take time when you want. You control the effort and how big you want to go. You're the decision-maker. 7. Flexibility: Want to take Johnny on a fishing trip? Want to accompany your aging parents to Japan for their dream vacation? No more "Damn, my boss says no" while telling your friends about the great work/life balance at your company. Say yes to everything that matters. 8. Purpose: When you were growing up, did you dream of sitting in a cubicle & talking to customers about some random integrated multi-platform functionality that will probably fail to IPO? No. Instead, choose a curious obsession and go find people who need what you're selling. 9. Joy: We all think we want happiness, but what we really want is joy. Happiness is fleeting moments. Joy means making an important impact during our lives. By betting on yourself and aligning with a higher purpose, you give yourself the best shot of living a joyful life. 10. Regret: Don't look back in 10 years and wish you got started earlier. Could you fail? Absolutely. Will you make mistakes? 100% Will you recover and always be able to find a job again if you're talented? Definitely. At least give it a shot in 2023. I'm rooting for you.
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