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  • 💡 Your 'Aha!' Moment: How Did You Find Your Startup Idea?

    Abdullah Ghazlani
    4 replies
    Every great product starts with a spark. What was your 'aha!' moment? Share the story of how you came up with your startup idea and hear about the creative inspirations of others in the community.


    Nguyet Do
    We're coffee fanatics. We spent our days hopping between cafes. One morning, stuck in a long line, we thought, "Wouldn't it be amazing to pre-order our coffee through messages? No waiting, just grab and go!" That simple idea sparked a revolution. We saw messaging becoming the future, not just for chit-chat, but for smooth, convenient business. In 2017, we built a tool for anyone to design chatbots without coding. But after years of success, we realized it was more for marketing than real, personal transactions. So, we aim to build another platform where businesses can chat directly with customers on any messaging app they choose. We're getting started but hope everyone feels enthusiastic as we are 😊
    Gianluca Cinellu
    My 'Aha!' was when I realized how much time I was spending on recreating projects each time I wanted to test a new idea. I realized how most programmers do this. There are gaps of months between side projects, and when we pick up the old one to "Frankeinstain it" into a new concept, we get discouraged by all the security alerts when installing the dependencies. PullTheCode, my first project on ProductHunt, solves this. With just a few commands, I created a boilerplate that is readily available for developers to start building, without the chore of upgrading dependencies, keeping their stack secure, and following new trends. With PullTheCode, developers are able to start building like Lego, thanks to the vast collection of premade components. How do you usually start building a new project?
    Melina at TripFit
    I love to travel and did it all my life. The only thing that I always missed was my fitness routine, as soon as I was traveling it was just so hard to maintain! I didn't want to miss something I love while doing something I love so I created a travel-sized gym, that makes strength training available from anywhere. :) Tested and improved it for the past 2 years on my travels and finally ready to launch soon!!
    Lawrence Ip
    I needed a solution that made it as easy and straightforward as possible, for me to build Custom GPT Agents, so I built one myself - TailorCraft AI. I applied the gold rush tool supplier's thinking to the Custom GPT Agent Model. Is it a, 'boilerplate'? Well, sort of... What it does do, is walk you through the process of building Custom GPT Agents iteratively 👍