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    Weekly Digest
    August 5th, 2024
    Thief mode
    Product Highlight
    This YC-backed startup wants to use AI to revolutionize healthcare

    Longevity and well-being have a new advocate in Mito Health, a new health startup founded by Kenneth Lou, Tee-Ming Chew, Joel Kek, and Dr. Ryan Ware. After leaving their successful personal finance platform, Seedly, Lou, and Chew launched Mito Health to focus on proactive healthcare.

    The problem with conventional healthcare? It's reactive. You’re either diagnosed with a disease or given vague advice from annual physicals that leave you scratching your head. Mito Health flips that script by using regular blood work from Labcorp centers across 47 states. They leverage AI and doctor insights to create highly personalized health plans, catching potential issues decades before they become problems.

    Here's how it works: After scheduling a blood draw, you will get access to the Mito digital platform, where you can view your Mito biological age, detailed results, and a custom action plan within a week. This plan includes recommendations on supplements, exercise, nutrition, and sleep strategies, giving you clear steps to optimize your health. From there, you can opt-in to repeat testing if you want to focus on specific problem areas and to try interventions you mightn't have before.

    This AI wearable bagged $2.5 million to be your next best friend

    Loneliness is one of the most pressing issues people face today.

    That’s why Avi Schiffman built Friend. Friend is a $99 AI-powered wearable designed to act as a friend, a buddy, or a confidant when you need one the most. It’s a chatbot that lives inside a pendant that you can interact with just by pushing a button. According to Avi, the more you interact with the AI, the more it develops its own personality, with the goal of becoming almost human. It’s always on listening, and while you can interact with your voice, the device can only respond via text. 

    The launch video went somewhat viral on X last week, with some mixed opinions. Throughout it, you can see different people interact with their friends' devices. In one instance, it listens to a user's frustration while gaming and texts them to say, “You’re getting trashed. It’s embarrassing.” Check it out for yourself. It has some black mirror vibes, but it’s a pretty entertaining launch video. 

    Friend already raised $2.5 million from Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas and Morning Brew CEO and co-founder Austin Rief, among others. Approximately $1.8 million of that was spent on buying the domain name friend.com. 


    Landing pages are for marketers, not devs, right?

    Wrong. Whether you're an indie dev, a startup founder, or just a dev who cares about conversion, landing pages matter. That must be why Page UI clenched a Product of the Day spot last week.

    Built by indie dev Dan Mindru, Page UI is a set of landing page components and templates that you can copy & paste into your React/Next.js codebase. Scroll through templates of highly converting websites, and flip on Thief Mode to grab code.

    PageUI is built on top of Shadcn UI and TailwindCSS, and it’s open source.

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