News Search by The Factual - Politically diverse and highly credible search results
Don’t trust Google to give you unbiased news? The Factual ranks articles based on credibility rather than popularity and adds context to search results: article ratings, political leaning, story summaries, and more. You can even filter out paywalled articles.
The Factual News App - The most objective stories on critical topics
* The Factual app delivers unbiased news on critical topics.
* Just the facts: A.I.-driven ratings uncover the most objective stories across the political spectrum.
* Save time: Daily briefing on top 5 topics with full context: charts, summaries, reader polls.
The Factual (newsletter) - Top 5 news topics, most credible stories
The Factual is a daily newsletter that curates the most credible stories on the top 5 news topics every day.
Each article's credibility is automatically calculated based on author expertise, diversity of sources, neutrality of tone, and site reputation.