Arjun Moorthy

The Factual News App - The most objective stories on critical topics

* The Factual app delivers unbiased news on critical topics.
* Just the facts: A.I.-driven ratings uncover the most objective stories across the political spectrum.
* Save time: Daily briefing on top 5 topics with full context: charts, summaries, reader polls.

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Arjun Moorthy
Hi there - I’m co-founder of The Factual. We’re excited to launch our news app for Apple and Android! The top two complaints about the news are (1) it's increasingly biased (2) it's overwhelming. To solve the "biased news" problem, The Factual's A.I.-driven rating uncovers the most informative and least opinionated stories from thousands of sources across the political spectrum. Every day, our A.I. rates 10,000+ articles on four criteria: * Opinionated tone * Diversity of sources * Author expertise * Site reputation These factors identify well-researched articles from subject matter experts, which is why The Factual often finds high-scoring articles from hundreds of amazing news sources you may not have heard of. To solve the "too much news" problem, our app features a daily news briefing with the highest-rated stories across the political spectrum on 5 trending topics in US, World, and Business news. Additionally, our news experts select highly informative charts, story summaries, and interactive reader polls so you get relevant context quickly on critical news. We're building a community of thoughtful news readers. Would love to have you join us so that we collectively promote "facts, not fear." PS: We're giving 10% off our annual plan only to Product Hunters! Please be sure to sign up with this URL:
Phillip Meylan
The Factual offers many advantages to newsreaders. For some, it can work as a way to ensure daily news consumption starts from a high base and is well balanced. For others, it can be a double-check on the quality of news articles from practically anywhere. The consistent and transparent rating system for articles offers a unique metric that can be used to explore the world of news, demonstrating which news sources and authors are consistently producing high-quality, well-researched work. It also helps rapidly identify bogus articles that lack evidence and warrant a wary eye. Even just the exposure to a diverse range of voices can be beneficial as a marker for developing your own opinions.
Alexander Banerjee
The Factual is a very simple concept that works quite well. What's probably best about the app is that it strikes a balance between making your news consumption easier while also making it better. (It's a pretty rare combination - these days we all have the 'easy' part down, but it comes at the cost of quality). If you feel too busy and overwhelmed by the online environment to really read what's going on, but you still want to stay informed, the newsletter section is great. Aside from being helpful as a briefing, it gives you the opportunity to read more if you're actually interested in something and have time. If, on the other hand, you're trying to get the best coverage on trending topics right away, there's a whole other section that lets you browse the latest stories in different categories (like US news, world news, etc). The stories are automatically organized, so you can view a bunch of the latest articles on a specific news event, and within that topic find a variety of sources with various grades - that way you can cut through the chaff and find the most credible coverage on a given event. As a nice bonus, the app makes it easy for you to find neat under-reported stories, as well as credible stories from sites with different political leanings.
Arjun Moorthy
@ohembanerg Thanks very much Alex!
seems good. I'll try this
Isabel Coloma
With this age heavily relying on news through technology it is often hard to discern which source is truly reliable and where it’s best to find trustworthy information. The Factual App is honestly an incredible resource that utilizes AI to remove that fear of not completely knowing who to trust. Coming from a generation that frequently takes to and depends on platforms like Twitter for their daily news and even more so to discuss current events, it’s quite refreshing to come to this app where everything is a little more fact-based and a little less opinion based - it definitely opens up the opportunity to have a fairer and more intellectual discussion of daily news. Through their algorithm, we’re given a rating based off of a multitude factors, from the amount of sources the author used and even to the bias the author may hold. Having this percentage is an efficient way to immediately tell whether or not the article is worth the read. Knowing that we all lead busy lives, this app has excelled in its ability to streamline how we receive information on current events and takes away some of the fear we’ve associated with our daily news.
Mike Volpe
The Factual is the first news reader to admit that all news has a bias and try to correct for it. It lists 3 trustworthy articles from a variety of viewpoints for each headline, giving me an opportunity to see what the right and the left have to say and allow me to make my own opinion. Daily I discover new trustworthy news sources I would not have otherwise found and learn about viewpoints I would have otherwise missed. The news you read today is biased. Use your brain and do some critical thinking of your own, and use The Factual as the key to open the door to deeper insight and understanding of all sides of a news headline.
Karen G-C
As of late, reading news can be overwhelming and stressful. With so many articles written on one topic it can make a person weary and unsure of what information to believe. The Factual has helped me feel assured that what I’m reading is credible, based on their credibility rating. Their use of AI - artificial intelligence, keeps them neutral and that’s where I feel The Factual stands out. The use of AI allows them to be objective as it sifts through thousands of articles to find one that is highly credible. All articles are curated into one place where you can peruse the topics of your choice! The Factual has become my ‘go-to’ news source!
Arjun Moorthy
@k_g_c Thanks very much Karen.
Anand Rajaram
This is my go to app for getting educated on what’s happening. The under reported stories are absolute gems as well. Highly recommend
Alan Berkson
The Factual is my daily dose of sanity in trying to navigate news cycles. It rates articles for bias and expertise, and then gives me multiple article options on the important topics of the day.
Addison Dunn
Finally, a news source that gets it. I don't have time to scroll through hundreds of stories and multiple sites just to find out what's going on in the world. I want someone to do that for me, and then give me the important stuff. Some other newsletters claim to do that, but they seem to all pick a side and *then* give me what they think is the important information. The Factual doesn't pick a side, it relys on statistics. And so I end up always knowing what the biggest story is, and other stories that people aren't paying attention to because they don't have such an efficient, informative newsletter. Thanks, guys, for creating a place I can get properly informed, quickly!
Alice Feng
If you want unbiased news across the political spectrum, The Factual is the way to go. In an increasingly polarizing world, navigating through various news sources to get objective facts about current events is getting more and more difficult. With the rating system and features like underreported stories, I can truly trust what I'm reading and be empowered to understand and speak about trending news topics. The Factual has been keeping me well-informed these past few weeks. I'm genuinely excited for everyone who'll check out the app - you won't be disappointed!
Rohit Rajan
Congrats on the launch! Such an important idea especially now.
Kathryn Kelly
The Factual’s morning notification is always a highlight of my day — the carefully curated newsletter covers everything I need to know to stay informed, but not overwhelmed. I used the extension as a teacher in middle school and it helped guide my students to credible information for research projects! I’d recommend the app for anyone interested in credible news!
Nathan Kelly
The Factual is a fantastic product. I've spent more than a decade in media and having a one-stop-shop of diverse news that has automatically been curated to be of high quality with bias explicitly called out is a refreshing change to the news consumption landscape. Trust matters and The Factual is a great way to reestablish trust and give consumers a streamlined way to dive into the news that matters to them. Well done!
Arjun Moorthy
@nathan_kelly2 Thanks very much Nate!
nayha hussain
IF YOU ARE IN SCHOOL, GET THE FACTUAL CHROME EXTENSION !!!! As a college student, this is the most useful tool for research papers. The chrome extension tells you what percentage is factual and the political bias of an article. To get the full story, you need to look at multiple articles, and the Factual recommends similar articles right there and then.
Ryan Bonnici | Marketing
This is so needed in the world right now, Arjun! Congrat on the launch. RB
Arjun Moorthy
@ryanbonnici Thanks very much Ryan!
We highly recommend The Factual. After starting to receive your daily digest, you'll look at the news with a new lens. You'll be wondering, what is the bias in the news I'm reading, and what are the facts I need to know. We really like their daily polls--suggestion to feature them upfront, at the top of the digest. Great job, Arjun and team!
Gavin Delany
Love the Factual. My main source for news for 6 months. The chrome extension is a really interesting feature for seeing credibility of other news and articles consumed. Its a great take on trying to make everyone more cognizant of the inevitable biases and helping us consciously think about what's trustworthy and why. Very importantly its emails and algos deliver for me the right mix of trending/popular and under reported but interesting worthwhile information. High five Arjun and team. Tough challenge to take on this space.
Arjun Moorthy
@gavin_delany Thanks so much Gavin!
Steven Benson
This is how I consume the news everyday! I use their daily email, and the app works great too.