Cyril Diagne

Clipdrop - Copy and Paste reality with AR + ML.


Copy and Paste your surroundings to any software opened on your laptop in few seconds.

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Cyril Diagne
We're now accepting subscriptions to our beta program!
january holmes
What's the details for a sub?
Cyril Diagne
@sue111 We're still working on the pricing!
Eric Valasek
@cyrildiagne how do you get into the beta program?
@cyrildiagne How can I apply? Are the prices on the site?
Why isn't this more upvoted?! This is an insane AR development! Unbelievable work, I can't wait to test this!
Cyril Diagne
@joid Thanks Joid!
Stefan Von Imhof
@joid Right? How is this not the most upvoted product of all time?!
I am so glad that you used AR and ML. This could be a great use case of it. Especially for the design community.
Katheriin Liibert
Looks like the future is here 🙌
Hardik Mehta
Does it access clipboard ? 🤔 Innovative. Subscribed for beta 😊
Cyril Diagne
@max9xs Yes we support the clipboard, cross-platform. We also have a more dedicated export for Photoshop that creates a smart object with a non destructive mask.
Jorge Dardon
Does the integration work only for IOS to mac? or is IOS to windows possible?
Cyril Diagne
@jorge_dardon Yes we're cross platform on both ends. So you can transfer from iOS > Windows, Android > macOS..etc
Aldo Silva
Looks awesome, guys! Wondering what your business model will look like?
Cyril Diagne
@aldo_silva Thanks! We'll release the apps on a subscription basis.
koes adio
need specific background colour to isolate the object?
Cyril Diagne
@koes_adio It's all automatic!
Barayuda Gautama
can't wait to test it!
Michael Houston
Looks great!
Pratik Jain
Signed up! When do you plan to release the beta?
Cyril Diagne
@pratikpatjain Thanks for signing up! It's already being tested. We're slowly increasing the group :)
Bryan Toh
This is very good feature. Bright future.
Elias Lankinen
Shouldn’t product hunt products be available instantly? This requires early access right from them.
Cyril Diagne
@elias_lankinen Sorry Elias, this being our first launch, we're being careful with the server loads and compatibility across systems. We're increasing the beta group as fast as possible!
This is just so cool and awesome !! The Best AR use I have seen. All The best ! looking forward to an invite. Just submitted the form.
Amer Mallah
The cut is amazing and a really clean mix of AR+ML, but I don't understand what is going on with paste?
Cyril Diagne
@amer_mallah Paste in this prototype demonstrates a feature we call "Screen Drop" where the laptop is able to determine the coordinates at which the image was dropped.
Jamie Dawson
I bet you could make some CRAZY art with this application. Awesome work! Update: I sent my request for a trial. I'm really excited to play around with this.
DeveloperOM & Kamirty
Magnificent application artist
I am WOWed! is that even possible, didn't know before. You know magic!! Best wishes for you.
Cyril Diagne
@abir_hs Thanks!
This is amazing! Just signed up and looking forward to receiving an invite.
Andrey Slonski
Looks really really cool! Can’t wait to try it! 👌