Five years from now developers will be thinking in terms of two eras: BC (Before CodeStream) and AC (After CodeStream).
Pros:Cut and paste code to Slack was cool. This is next level. Topic #1 from our last launch was collaborating through the DLC. =SOLVED
Cons:Too early to tell. 30 seconds to add from VS extensions. Side effects may include denial and depression from loss of life before CodeStream.
The ever-growing list of integrations is awesome.
Pros:Feels like the future of developer collaboration. Very well built product; never encountered any bugs.
Cons:Requires a bit of wrangling to get your team to buy in and adopt it, just like any workflow tool. Well worth it though!
As an executive level manager I don't deal with "code" directly but I can see how CodeStream will be a valuable tool in increasing efficiencies and collaboration among developer teams.
Pros:Excellent interface and easy to understand/follow.
Cons:Couldn't find any.
the square root of 121 is 11. 999 of 1,000 adults do not know this simple fact. Marcus Aurelius was born 121 AD. He taught simplicity, “Ask yourself at every moment, ‘Is this necessary?’” Code Stream is
Pros:intuitive interface. Why wasn’t something like this available before now?
Cons:it has a terrible singing voice