Matt Zeunert

HTML Size Analyzer - Identify the cause of bloated HTML code


This tool parses HTML code to identify what causes bloated document responses. For example, you might find that there are large inline images or that there's a big chunk of JSON for hydrating a single-page app.

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Matt Zeunert
Hey there! 👋 Sometimes when looking into why a website is slow I find that the size of the HTML document is half a megabyte or more. There's a few reasons for this, often JSON hydration state from a single-page app or inline images that are embedded as data URLs. Other times there's just lots of duplication, for example a page I saw specified 180 image URLs per visible images (to make it super duper double responsive). Duplicated HTML usually compresses well when sent over the network, but can cause long HTML parse times. I built this tool to make it easier to identify the cause of bloated HTML code.
Jad Joubran
@mattzeunert That's amazing! I've also had similar issues when consulting for clients and I had to copy the source code and check manually what it's made up of. Thank you so much!
Colin McDermott
Nice tool, simple to use, clear insights.
Mario Peters