Tails - The ultimate TailwindCSS drag'n drop page creator
Tails is the ultimate TailwindCSS Page Creator. Need a website for your next great idea? Tails is the perfect tool to creating a beautiful landing page. Over 120 design blocks you can mix and match to craft the perfect landing page for your next project.
MarkdownX - A new markdown editor built for the TallStack
MarkdownX is the ultimate markdown editor with a dropdown menu of items including headers, lists, images, code blocks, links, animated GIFs, Youtube Emdeds, Codepen Embeds, and much more 🚀
The editor outputs clean Markdown and also has a Preview Mode 🍿
Laravel Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit
Wave is a Software as a Service Starter kit. With Wave you can have a fully functional SAAS application in minutes with features such as authentication, billing, invoices, user profiles, user roles, and much more! Wave integrates seamlessly with Stripe or Braintree and is fully documented to help you build the SAAS of your dreams!