Helene Auramo

Is there a service to find accountability buddies?


I think that accountability is very important in doing your startup, but is there a place to find an accountability buddy?

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Ivan Homola
You can join our private startup community: Lunadio.party šŸš€ šŸ‘‰ We share our weekly goals inside the community. šŸ‘‰ Every 2 weeks, we have mastermind calls where you can share your current struggles and other founders advise you. šŸ‘‰ You can ask for feedback or help anytime on our Discord server.
Sune B. Thorsen
@ichangetheway +1 for Lunadio.party. I recently joined, and they're a friendly bunch :)
Chris Fanchi
100 Days of No Code from @maxhaining and NoCodeDevs from @nocodedevs are two outstanding communities for finding accountability buddies, building in public, and finding educational resources. Highly recommend both!
Himanshu Sharma
Join a community. Makerlog, OnDeck and countless small communities are there. If not, you can always create your community on Indiehackers.
Richard Shepherd
At Disney they call these accountabillibuddies. Best. Word. Ever. Pioneer is kinda good at this.
David T. Kim
Are you looking for a buddy specific for startup operations or life in general?