Gregg Berretta

It's month 2 of 2023. Can we kill off "Super Excited" now?


I used to work on the west coast and we had our quarterly meetings where the product managers would come out and breathlessly explain why they were "super excited" about some new feature or dead bug. After a few quarters, it turned into a game where we could play "Super Excited" bingo. Eventually, we began to lose the joy of the game and hearing the words "super excited" began to make us feel as if a bit of our soul was being sucked away.

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Gregg Berretta
Just so you know my own personal opinion, I believe we've had enough word policing for one decade (or more.) I don't actually know what you would replace "super excited" with since it's hard to convey emotions that go just a bit beyond excited. I'm no longer on the west coast so the whole topic has become somewhat irrelevant for me, but I still see it popping up on LinkedIn posts and Product Hunt submissions all the time and I just can't believe I'm the only one that feels it's run its course.
Rian Robertson
Launching soon!
Hahah...discussion topics on PH don't usually make thanks for that 😂