This is an interesting experiment — will a Slackbot-like onboarding process improve retention and conversion? One way to find out right? Nice work @gozmike!
@chrismessina Thanks Chris! We built SmoochBot entirely using our platform's public APIs and it was a joy to work on. So far, we're seeing about 8% lift on completion of our onboarding and we're collecting better, more useful, data on who are signups are and what they're building.
If you'd like to build a similar experience for your web/mobile/whatever app check out our platform and stay tuned to our blog for info on how to build this kind of thing yourself!
@chrismessina@gozmike we're moving towards more conversational products because users are tired of seeing static interfaces that are generic and not specific to them. I think conversational apps are the precursor to really advanced dynamic and contextual interfaces. Until we get good at building those, products will ride on conversational products (which are in essence dynamic and contextual interfaces!)
We have a bot like this for Jobr within our layer in-app chat. When you sign up you get a message from a career concierge. If you ask a question you get a human reply. This is also great for re-engagement because we can send a push to certain sets of users (if something relevant comes up).
Love what the team @smoochlabs (@gozmike) has been up to. Been using their products since they first posted on PH. I'm excited for what they'll bring in the future. Smooch has been essential for us building our product by listening to community.
Really nice. I have tried to give it a spin but got lost after login. I have one app integration but couldn't find anything related to on-boarding. I have visited our site with the phone - maybe not all options are available? Btw. a lot of the footer links point to nowhere (404).
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