Niv Dror

Hop - The new face of email is fast, elegant, powerful, expressive


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Erez Pilosof
Update: we're seeing huge demand, temporally we have to queue new users :( we'll notify you in the coming days, sorry for the issue, we want to provide a great experience ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Code for early access is: producthunt ** Gooooooood morning Hunters and thank you @nivo0o0 for hunting us! We started Hop 3 years ago with a vision of building a whole new email experience. I love the openness of email and its asynchronous nature. I love that everyone has it. I love that it simultaneously serves us on so many facets of life, ranging from work to interest to commerce. So if it’s such an amazing medium, why do we feel frustrated about it too often? Sign of times. After all, email is 45 years old and its protocol wasn’t really planned for the way we communicate today. Our inspiration was modern communication (which simulates a natural conversation flow), while keeping all the good things email has. We designed Hop to help you get things done, to prioritize stuff, to be responsive and respectful of everyone’s time, and most importantly: to be more expressive and effective in communicating. We have been working tediously to build an innovative layer over open email protocol with flawless synchronization to the different email service providers. It’s a seamless yet crucial layer of what enables us to provide you with what you’re about to experience. We are launching here with an exclusive code for you, our Product Hunt friends. Download the app and use the code “producthunt” to sign up! Here's a shortlist of Hop superpowers: —Conversation view: for easy reading and encouraging brevity —Important messages vs. everything else: we sort for you. What you see is what’s important —Groups: open, effortless communication —Actions en masse: one tap to clean up inboxes faster than ever —Swipe like a boss: gestures let you shortcut like a ninja —Visual U/I for attachments: find files visually —Arsenal of expression: doodles, gifs, videos, and voice recordings to comment with more expression than email has ever had —All seeing-All Knowing Calendar: one view aggregates all events from Google Cal, Apple cal, and Facebook
Shahar Yakir
@pilosof @nivo0o0 Awesome work Erez! Make E-mail great again!
Ben Tossell
@pilosof Nice job. looks awesome and I'll be giving it a go I am, however, in two minds whether this format is a good thing or not.... I wonder if emails should feel more like messaging or whether they shouldn't. It totally makes sense in one side of it for sure....theres just something in my brain making me think about it ha.
Nicholas Sheriff
@pilosof @nivo0o0 @chrismessina @guygamzu How do you secure the emails on your server? How is this diffrent from Mailtime?! Or any other email in realtime "messenger" format? I'd like to know the answer to this pretty important question myself! This is my fear: "FriendFinder messed up in a few ways. For one, the company either stored user passwords in plaintext, without any protection, or hashed them using the notoriously weak SHA1 algorithm, according to LeakedSource."
Joshua Arnao
@pilosof is custom IMAP support on the roadmap?
Guy Gamzu
@bentossell hi! What the messaging format ends up doing is encouraging brevity. Emails can be long-winded, but the messaging format encourages people to get to the point faster. Plus, its much nicer on the eyes than traditional nested chains. BTW, Tapping on the bubble loads the original 'traditional' msg.
Sebastian Kreutzberger
Just downloaded it and played a bit with some test emails. Here are my comments: 1. the onboarding is absolutely mind-blowing! 2. do you store my emails on your servers? 3. smart virality idea with putting a referer link under each email. It seems to also contain the was-email-opened pixel. But still, can I turn it off for some more serious email conversations? :D 4. everything worked 100% out-of-the box. Great! 5. I think you are onto something huge! Very well done, I am already a believer!
Guy Gamzu
@skreutzb Thank you for sharing the comments. 1/ Thanks 😊 2/ yes 3/ Sure! goto settings / account settings / signature and customize it to your liking (html pasting works too) 4/ Oh, cool 😎 5/ We sure hope so... its been 4 years with no daylight ;))
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@guygamzu re #2: how do you secure the emails on your server?
Erez Pilosof
@chrismessina @guygamzu everything is highly encrypted
Mehdi B
@chrismessina @guygamzu Would love to have an answer of this before using it. Very good product though.
@bendrissmehdi what do you mean by encryption? end to end? I was about to download but i wait for an answer to this question
Niv Dror
Ok so I'm super excited about Hop, which I've been testing for the past few weeks. 1. The sign up process is brilliant. Code for early access is: producthunt 2. It makes your inbox feel just like Messenger. You get through your inbox much faster because it feels less formal, and when you're talking with other Hop users there's even the "typing..." signal. It's just like Messenger. 3. Personal Fav: There's a GIF button that, whatever you search for, it auto-overlays the search term on top of the first option 😊😊😊 which makes your GIF responses (effortlessly) seem very personal 😜 Code for early access is: producthunt
Niv Dror
Also, fun fact, @pilosof is also the founder of which was like "the internet" for Israeli internet users in Web 1.0 days (was my homepage for years as a kid 👶)
Rotem Yakir
@nivo0o0 @pilosof Hop is super cool and sleek! BTW Niv, it's awesome that you like the personal GIF - it's us :)
Pete Liesenfeld
@nivo0o0 this is amazing!!! Weird question: I've got 2 phantom "unread" messages that I can't seem to clear off, who can I contact?
Erez Pilosof
@nivo0o0 tnx for reminding me my age ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😜
Moshe Blizinsky
Awesome .loving it so far. will similar app be made for desktop?
BIn Bin
When will it be launched?
Hillel Fuld
Super duper team and execution here. @pilosof, would love to hear more about what the future is for Hop. I have dreams. Haha
Noni Israel
Love the on-boarding flow, really unique! Awesome work guys!
Rahul Sethuram
Great looking stuff, bummed that I can't try it out just yet, I had a couple questions: - Do you plan on releasing a desktop app (or even web client)? I always like to have the same interface and organization for my email across devices. - Does your product handle HTML in emails?
Alex Bouaziz
I've started using Hop a few weeks back, it's crazy fun and super efficient! Congrats Erez & team you guys are doing an outstanding job. I know you can be the change email needs!
Guy Gamzu
@bouazizalex thank you!
Stowe Boyd
Really cool. I like the calendar integration as a real context-switch savings, but the chat UX makes email young again. Why hasn't Google done this, like years ago?
Kelly O'Conor
Honestly, loving it so far. Agree with @nivo0o0 that the sign up process is brilliant and easy. However, the app icon itself is the same as the Twitter Engage app.. Maybe just my layout OCD but something to consider, @pilosof
James Currier
It's clear the tech behind this is amazing. It's faster than any other client. Groups feature is great. It's the best of messaging and the best of email.
Elliott Black
Super product and a more efficient way to follow long email chains on-the-go than other e-mail apps. Hoping for calling/facetime integration with other messaging apps too!
Erez Pilosof
@leblack613 voice and video calls are in the cards ;)
Jack Smith
i tried using this the other day, but unfortunately it didn't sync any of my emails properly
Erez Pilosof
@_jacksmith please contact us
Benjamin Earl Evans
@pilosof @_jacksmith @gethop Problem seems to be with Gsuite Vs Gmail accounts. It was easy to add my gmail account, but when I tried a Gsuite account I was asked for permissions, then the app stalled at 'add your email account' screen.
Erez Pilosof
@benjamineevans @_jacksmith sorry for the issues, it's currently random, we have some busy servers today .... working on fixing that :)
Yuval Haimovits
Super awesome! It looks like you thought on everything!
Guy Gamzu
@yuvalhaimovits almost everything 🤓 yet only 5% of our roadmap is deployed...
Liam Boogar
Hey guys! Great product - looking forward to trying it out! Haven't had a great email app since Sparrow got acquired by Google :-) Curious to know how you guys are powering email search today - can you tell me more about the tech stack there?
Or Arbel
Finally! 🎉
Rahul Sethuram
Another comment i have is subject vs. person delineation. I can have emails to the same person about different subjects that should not be threaded. I can't tell from the screenshots (no access to product yet) if this is the case or not. I think this is an important distinction for email vs. chat.
Are there plans to parse out email footers such as confidentiality statements that could take up a full screen?
I think Hop is fantastic for reading email on my iPad, but far and away the only reason I don't use it often is the failure in both the app notifications and in the app itself to offer the option of deleting email via swipe instead of just archiving.
Guy Gamzu
@ianmayman you can definitely delete (and bulk delete) via swiping. Contact for guidance on this or any other nuggets 😊
@guygamzu @gethop As far as I can see, swipe to delete is not an option in Notification Centre, that's what I need most. I never archive anything to All Mail.
Dror Cohen
הי וסחטיין נראה מעולה!!! אפשר הזמנה?
Guy Gamzu
@dror_cohen Sure! tap the "get it" on top ;)
Niv Dror
@dror_cohen the invite code is: ProductHunt 😛