James Ivings

Inbox Shield by Leave Me Alone - An email screener that works with any email account

Inbox Shield gives you full control of who is allowed to email you.

When someone emails you for the first time, you can decide if you want to keep receiving their messages, roll them up into a digest, or block them completely!

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Danielle Johnson
Hey Product Hunt! Long time no see! 😄 ✨ What’s new? ✨ Today we have an exciting new feature to share with you - Inbox Shield🛡️ What is Inbox Shield? 🛡️ Inbox Shield is a screener for your inbox. The first time a sender emails you, you get to choose if you want to receive their emails, or block them forever! (You can think of it like Hey’s screener, but for your existing email address) 👩‍💻 When you enable Inbox Shield you can choose to either; - ☑️ Allow all new emails and selectively choose which you want to block. We provide several automatic blocklists to make this easier. - ❌ Or block all new emails, and choose which you want to allow (our favorite option 😉). This is a crazy effective way of reducing the number of emails you receive after just a few days 💌 Each day we’ll send you an email digest detailing the emails that have been blocked in the last 24 hours, so that you can decide what you want to do with them. 🤖 Each new email is categorised by our blocklists into spam, social, or cold-emails. You can also tell Shield to auto-block any email that you already unsubscribed from (in case they continue to email you 😈), or create your own custom blocklists. 🔕 Do-not-disturb mode 🔕 If you need to focus, our Do-not-disturb mode lets you set schedules during which you wont receive any new emails. We’ll hold onto your mail during these times, and deliver them when your schedule ends. It’s perfect if you’re like me and get distracted by every new email while you’re trying to write code 😅. Even the thought that I can’t receive any emails until the start of the next work day gives me peace of mind 😌 ⏰ Priority Senders ⏰ If you have emails that you need to receive as soon as they arrive then you can add them to your Priority Senders list. These will skip the screener, all blocklists, and your do-not-disturb schedule, and land in your inbox immediately. --- 👫 What's our backstory? Just over 3 years ago we shared Leave Me Alone with you! It was a simple proof-of-concept that allowed you to easily unsubscribe from emails, and it was well received! We even won the Golden Kitty award! ✨ After working steadily in our spare time on improvements, around 1 year ago we launched a big new feature - Rollups. This allows you to roll up your newsletters into digests and get them delivered as a single email once per week or daily. This brought us to feature parity with our competitors, and propelled us into being a profitable company! Product Hunt also generously awarded us with a Maker Grant worth $5000! 💸💸💸💸💸 This last year has again been an exciting ride (for many reasons)! We reached $2000 MRR, and hit 1,000,000 total emails unsubscribed, and even made our first part-time hire - welcome to the team @aleks_muse! Looking back we want to thank you all for your support over the years, it’s been wild and we couldn’t have gotten this far without you believing in us, and with Product Hunt’s support! ❤️ To say thank you, today we’re offering 40% OFF ALL of our yearly plans for the first YEAR! Just use the coupon PH40OFF at checkout 🏷️ 📖 Epilogue Thanks again to everyone for trying Inbox Shield, and as always thanks to our beta testers for helping us work out the bugs! P.S. James will be tweeting about the results of using Inbox Shield at blocking all the cold-emails we always get after a product launch 😜 --- If you have any feedback or questions we’ll be here all day. If we don’t get back to you, we have probably gone to sleep (as we’re UTC+7) and we’ll check the comments and reply tomorrow 😊
James Ivings
@aleks_muse @dinkydani21 Inbox Shield just screened my first piece of launch spam for the day! 😄
Arnob Mukherjee
yooo the star couple is back, great to see this new update. Leave me alone is just getting better and better ❤️ congratulations on the launch 🚀
Danielle Johnson
@iamarnob6543 thank you for the support and love as always Arnob! ❤️
Connor Neblett
I've been using Leave Me Alone's new Inbox Shield feature for only a few days but I am already seeing the benefit! As someone with a variety of email accounts from various different providers, it's great being able to define rules to screen all those inboxes in one place.
James Ivings
@acnebs Thanks Connor! It really does just take a few days to see a big difference ✨
Jatin Ranka
Great product to cleanup my mail and unsubscribe from irrelevant newsletters. ?makers Is this available on outlook as well or just gmail?
James Ivings
@jatin_ranka_0 it works with any email provider 🙃
Marni Wandner
this looks amazing, congrats! now if only there were a version for real life :)
James Ivings
@marniwandner I think we should sell t-shirts 🤪
Erwin AI
Ah, the days of being harassed by recruiters and outsourcing lead gen offers is over 😵 Inbox Shield looks awesome!
James Ivings
@erwin_lengkeek I'm going to tweet about how well it blocks the cold-emails we always get after a product launch 😜
Big fan of you guys and your journey! Wishing you a great launch :)
Danielle Johnson
@toshvelaga Thank you Tosh! We're hoping for a fun day 🤩
Necmettin Karakaya
Bye-bye 👋 HEY I don't need to create a new email account now. awesome work 🙌
Danielle Johnson
@necmttn yes! That's exactly right, no need for a new email address - use our screener with your current email address. 🙌
Genius execution
Danielle Johnson
@morajabi Thank you Mo 🤩
This is cool. Congrats on the launch guys!
Danielle Johnson
@gouthamj thank you Goutham! I hope you like trying it out 😊
Leave me alone is an awesome project! It works really well (and the design is incredible too!) Congrats on launching the Inbox Shield feature - It sounds awesome and I can't wait to try it! Let's gooo!! 🥳
Danielle Johnson
@anthemaker thank you An! Can't wait to hear what you think!
Muskan Thakur
Hey @dinkydani21 your app is designed in such a cute manner and nobody of us like spam i like how the name says leave me alone <3 I know this product will save me from all the spams i get on everday basis! Great product! Keep up!
Danielle Johnson
@muskan_thakur Aw thank you! It most definitely will save you from your daily spam :) - good luck!
Shivi Jalota
this is a super cool product
Danielle Johnson
@shivi_jalota Thank you Shivi! Hope it can help you :)
Ilya Novohatskyi
Cool product. How many users do you have?
James Ivings
@sweatc Thanks! We have 226 active customers right now!
Dmitriy Zhukov
It's so cool! Congratulations on the launch
Danielle Johnson
@cto_inqoob appreciate your feedback Dmitriy, thank you :)
Devan Sabaratnam
I am going to openly admit that when I first heard about LeaveMeAlone, I thought to myself "No way that an app can do everything they said on the tin - sounds too good to be true" and I didn't venture further. Then I started seeing friends online talking about what a difference it made to their email management, so yesterday I relented and signed up and threw down the challenge. "Go head, make my life better..." I said to the app, with a steely side-eye stare. And... It did... Not only does it do what it says on the tin, it does more. I hadn't realised what a bundle of stress my Inbox was. LeaveMeAlone has reduced a sweaty rush hour traffic jam to a pleasant business class ride with snacks. It took everything I threw at it with a knowing smile and returned it back to me neatly folded on a silver tray like Jenkins the butler user to. The interface is a delight, and it sure does some heavy lifting behind the scenes that I didn't think was possible. Great product. I switched to a paid plan the same day I signed up for a trial.
James Ivings
@dsabar I just woke up 😭 this is such a lovely comment to read this morning. Thank you Devan! ❤️
Dmitrii Pashutskii
Great product! Congrats on the launch! Clear email = happy life! :)
Danielle Johnson
@guar47 Too right!
Shivank Kulshreshtha
Nice tool for those junk mails, congrats on launch guys
Danielle Johnson
@shivank_kulshreshtha thank you Shivank! I hope it can help :D
Dapeng Ni
Looks cool!
Danielle Johnson
@dapeng_ni appreciate it 👊
nickson durai
@dinkydani21 Amazing tool! 👌