Hey Product Hunt, Lingvanex team is here!
We are happy to represent you the Phone Call Translator - a real-time voice translator, which was created to help in solving questions in travel situations and urgent business problems with foreigners or help in communicating with friends abroad. You can speak your native language when you call through the app. Your partner and you will hear the translation of both callers during the call, the original speech and translation will also be duplicated on the phone screen.
**** BENEFITS ****
- You can call worldwide in 30 popular languages and make calls to all devices (even landlines)
- Details of the conversation are available only to you. We do not store conversation data
- Much cheaper than roaming calls. A call costs from $0.18 USD per minute. We use VoIP
- The whole dialogue is broadcast on the screen with text for better control
**** HOW TO USE ****
1. Install this application on your iOS or Android device
2. Register and create application account
3. Select your language
4. Select the language of the person to whom you are calling
5. Enter the phone number with the country code
6. Make a call
7. Speak in turn as if on a walkie-talkie
Log in the application account by this credential:
Login: test@lingvanex.com
Password: lingvanex
NO ONE TO CALL? Call to us and share your good wishes.
Phone: +375291254413 or +917384386728 (Please select a call translation into Russian)
Details of the conversation are available only for you. We do not store conversation data.
Anyway, hope you like it and let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions, please send email to support@lingvanex.com or write comments below, our team will try to answer all your questions.
@lingvanex@siarhei_nekhaichyk This would have been helpful when I used to do sales call to Brazil in my first job. How do you avoid delays with the real time translation?
@abadesi The delay is needed so that the neural network is not confused from which language to which it currently needs to be translated.
Try it, it is almost imperceptible and allows you to think about what you say next.
Has no one asked this? 9 of the languages are repeats of 3 where mostly the accent is different. IE UK English could be further divided with Ireland. Not an issue just something especially with my next paragraph.
Urdu is nearly identical to Hindi. Surprised to not see Urdu listed.
Luke Bryan