Phone Call Translator - Translates your voice calls into 29 languages in real-time
> You can call both mobile phones and landlines.
> You can call to all countries all over the world.
> Translation is carried out in 30 popular languages.
> A lot cheaper than roaming calls.
> No need to install the app for a people you are calling!
Machine Translation by Lingvanex - Integrate machine translation to any part of your business.
Machine Translation is available as Cloud API, On-premise Translation Server and SDK that can be easily integrated into lots of business cases. Both solutions work with 110 languages.
Startups are welcome for integration.
Investors are welcome for funding
Lingvanex Translator for Slack - Auto-translate messages, documents and images in Slack
Communicate with your colleagues from all over the world regardless of language barriers with Lingvanex Translator for Slack! The app gives you a high-quality automatic translation of messages, large documents, and images into 112 languages.