Ntropy Income Check - Verify your customers' income in real-time via bank data
Income Check is a new endpoint built on top of our core transaction categorization and enrichment API.
Fetch income, linking bank accounts within seconds. Onboard your customers instantly and get a detailed breakdown of income sources beyond payroll.
Ntropy Recurring Spend API - Help your customers manage their recurring expenses
Our Recurring Spend Management API is a new release on top of Ntropy transaction categorization core. It allows your customers to easily identify recurring expenses and price changes and stay on top of their finances in real time.
Ntropy Recurring Spend Check - Empower your users to manage recurring spend effortlessly
Empower your users to manage their recurring expenses with our API endpoint. This tool allows users to track and manage subscriptions, bills, and other regular expenses, helping them stay on top of their budget and avoid overspending.