Butter is a one stop shop for all your sales, finance, accounting, billing and cost data with a natural language layer on top to ask questions, create custom reports and be on top of your unit economics and forecasts in real-time.
Hi all,
I am Naré, one of the co-founders and the CEO at Ntropy, where we are building bank data enrichment and categorization API-s. As a usage-based product our pricing strategy and revenue forecasting is quite complex depending on customer size, use-case, minimums and volumes. Moreover, our costs are variable too, as the API is built on top of infrastructure with usage based pricing, which means it is non-trivial to extract real-time unit costs to drive pricing, scaling and business decisions as a whole.
With the AI driven economy happening to us as we speak, the usage based API layer as a foundation for products is growing and inevitable, hence we thought this pain is going to be universal and decided to bring you a solution we built for ourselves.
What if I could do custom reports and make dashboards swiftly like in Retool, visualize them easily like with Grafana and dig into my data in plain English with follow-up questions, explanations and a real-time overview of all the data and connections right from the core? This is what Butter is about.
Connect your sources, from accounting to your cloud dashboard and bank information and start finding answers without going to the finance team, pulling up and reconciling multiple Excel sheets and making complicated investor reports to keep everyone on the same page.
If you are a VC who invests in API-s and usage-based companies, you should take a look too.
We are super excited to get you using Butter and being on top of your business like never before.
Just tried this, and at first I was skeptical... but WOW it works! I was pretty surprised by how little information I typed in and how it actually created the whole presentation. Would you its better to put in a lot of detailed information? What is the best way / most efficient method of responding to the prompt? congrats again!
@devezehugo! any companies, who have usage based pricing and costs that are variable, are perfect candidates. CFO-s, finance people, CEO-s are the perfect users. If you are using AWS, OpenAI and other API-s as your base layer, you will eventually need Butter
Congratulations on the launch of Butter! It sounds like a powerful tool for businesses dealing with complex pricing and revenue forecasting challenges. Best of luck with Butter and I look forward to seeing how it evolves!