Ben Tossell

Snapchat Custom Stories - Capture group moments with friends

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Ben Tossell
Instagram copying in 3, 2, 1..... Facebook copying in 4, 3, 2, 1..... Naturally Snap was going to do this and good to see it rolled out! Perfect for festivals, trips with friends, weddings etc Read more on Wired h/t @caseynewton
Sterling Bourne
@bentossell This is what I find most interesting: "Custom stories appear on the stories page for as long as they are live, and will disappear after no one contributes for 24 hours or the creator deletes the story."
Jason Keath ⚡️
@bentossell @caseynewton Snap is Facebook's R&D department, right?
Sam Elliott
@bentossell @caseynewton Evan Spiegel is Facebook's Head of Product
Hoan Do
@bentossell @caseynewton I'm truly tired with this meme. You guys are product guys, so please think carefully about their concept as a product guy. Anyone can think about this kind of feature, it's not hard to imagine at all. And about Instagram, when Snapchat custom stories are public, It's very similar to Hashtag and location on Instagram :)). Instagram nearly has this from Day 1.
Ben Shepherd
Snapchat really needs to work on a better way to save & export these memories from the app. Creating and sharing stories of events with friends sounds great - but only if I can keep them more than 24 hours. Snapchat started with temporality in mind, and they have been moving away from it ever since (see new infinity-looping video option). What they don't have is a good way to re-experience these moments later on.
Sebastian Dobrincu
@shep_ben While I get your point, I think that's what makes Snapchat unique. Disappearing content is the main reason why people visit the app so many times daily. Transitioning to permanent content would kill them in the long run. There's no way they could compete with Instagram, unless they do it in a really innovative way.
Alex Bouaziz
@shep_ben You should check out Lifeslice then :) We soft launched but this is what we are all about. Would love your feedback on it!
Ben Shepherd
@sebyddd Doesn't it seem like they are indecisive though? - You can save snaps before you send them - There is an option to automatically save and archive all your stories - You can upload old/non temporal content to your story - The "memories" section is a prominent button on the main screen of the app - They recently added stories that loop indefinitely That doesn't seem like a company that is focused on disappearing content.
Russell Barnard
@shep_ben We are working on this with Snappd to let the best stories be enjoyed over and over in a platform that is designed for vertical video. It's true though Snapchat keeps moving between stories and discover but still does not seem to want to work more closely with its influencers.
Ryan Hoover
First step toward democratizing Snapchat's Discover feed? Snap is taking YouTube head-on, ironically the same day Quora announces their expansion into video. Separately, I know someone building a "Snapchat for groups" app (not yet released), very similar to what Snap just released.
tom meagher
@rrhoover also see past hunts: Fleek, Snapchat meets Yik Yak, and Squad, Snapchat for groups of friends 🐙. Interestingly both have octopi/squid as their mascot.
Nate Bear
Does this only work with groups of friends that look the same?
Samuel Crosland
"🎶 You know we're gonna do what we do best, the best... Just open up the sunroof in our heads" (obviously a sunroof into snapchat's brain would give Instagram direct access to the ideas 😉)
Dimitrios Tragas
Great idea! Snapchat just gets better and better!
Dave Poly
This was only a matter of time. It was, in my opinion, the one big feature Snapchat didn't allow. So many Editor stories you could choose from but none you could create yourself. Instead of a hashtag for your wedding, join the Snapchat Custom Story. I wonder if they'll have an editing feature that lets you export your story, with filters/stickers/soundtrack/etc and share it. Prob a feature coming down the pike.
This facebook vs snapchat war is so intense. It is like David vs Goliath. You have innovation/creativity vs strenght of execution/evil. Does snapchat can win ? Or how long can he resist ? Seriously, we should create a platform and start to bet on.
Ravi Vyas
This is great. This is snapchat being more social and less network, which is the only way they can break the network base moats Facebook has.
Magnus Burton
When is it coming to Sweden? :(
Bryce Daniel
I've been saying this should be a feature forever now! Glad they finally implemented it. This along with the search 1Million stories shows their going all in on this part of the platform.
Özgür Celebi
Nice 👍. But what's up with the video??? Are snapies just girl models, these days!?
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Facebook and Instagram are going to copy it so fast that Snapchat won't even be able to say that they were the ones who created it.. again. PS: I love the soundtrack chosen for the release launch video.
Connor MacDonald
A new chapter in the story, wouldn't you say?
Whitney Hummel
Like this!
steffan pedersen
Love this!
Rudy Lee
I simply love this feature! Every time I think that there is no way snapchat can be better, I am always proved wrong!