Jirka Třečák

Supernova V4 - Turn Sketch into iOS, Android and React Native in minutes

Supernova V4 is the first true tool solely focused to close the gap between designers and developers for good. Studio allows you to import Sketch files and turn them into native mobile UI, adding animations, navigation, layout etc. in the process - as you like. Supporting iOS, Android and React Native with more platforms coming soon.

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Jirka Třečák
Hello Product Hunters and Huntresses! Jiri here, the CEO and the creator of the Supernova Studio. We are super proud to unveil our latest update to Supernova Studio, platform that is trying to close the gap between developers and designers for good. Since the launch 4 months ago, we've been working our hardest to deliver the product that is both powerful and easy to use, and with V4, we think we have finally achieved just that. Supernova aims to bridge the gap between developers and designers by automating the conversion of the Sketch mobile designs to native mobile UI. Here are the most prominent features of the V4: • Autonomous Import of Sketch files • Sketch Symbol support, libraries, overrides, masks, all the advanced stuff • Autonomous Native Layouts - Valid responsive layouts just by importing the Sketch file, output generated as Autolayout, Constraint Layout or Flexbox • Autonomous Optimization engine - Sketch files are now imported "smartly" - redundant layers are removed, paths are magically grouped into images, outside borders imported as inside with appropriately modified content and more. There is over 100 of possible optimizations done for each imported layer • Support for most native components - Such as table views, collections, maps etc. • Stacks and nested stacks, scrollviews, push and modal navigation • Export to Supernova Cloud - New way how to present mobile projects. Check out the demo of fully working mobile app @ https://app.supernova.io/project... • Collaboration Features such as comments, versions • Autonomous Export of Vector and Bitmap resources • Export production-ready interface code based on the latest best practices - Full support for iOS (swift 3 + 4, storyboards, xibs) - Full support for Android (java, kotlin, xml) - Fully support for React Native (js + pure react or expo projects) - Fourth platform coming soon ^^ All together allows for precise and fast conversion of designs into an actual mobile UI, resulting in less work on the UI side for both developers and designers, and for pixel-perfect handoff of the designs. Joining the family of Supernova today are also companion apps for iOS and Android, that allow to test everything done in Supernova and that show the projects exactly as if written in code. We have written article introducing all the new aspects of Supernova V4 to much greater detail here: https://medium.com/@appsupernova... If you want to see just how vast the V4 release is, check out the full changelog: https://supernova.io/updates But we have one more surprise for you today. Supernova is the dream made by us - a small startup dedicated to change the world of developers and designers, and we want it to be truly accessible to everyone. For this reason, we are super happy to announce that we are making the entire prototyping suite of Supernova free - that means all features, such as the import optimizer, autonomous layouts, animations, localizations, navigation, the code preview!, companion apps and 1 cloud project with unlimited team size and collaboration features can be used by everyone, free, forever. We are also introducing 3 additional specific tiers of product so everyone can pick just what they need. We are thrilled about the release of V4 and we can't wait as to what you can create with it and we are already working on V5, which will be focused on developers, and we'll have something truly special for all of you. Feel free to AMA and enjoy!
Michael August Bruny-Groth
@appsupernova @jirka_trecak I'm very excited to try this app out, and I'm happy you've made a free tier! Unfortunately at this point, I am more interested in web apps than mobile. Are their plans in the works to support React JS?
Patrick Samy
@appsupernova @jirka_trecak @mbrunygroth Webflow's code export is incredible to achieve the same design-developer handover :)
Jirka Třečák
@appsupernova @mbrunygroth @patricksamy Actually, HTML / React.js is already in works, and it will be much quicker solution of the same quality - at least, that is our goal :)
Patrick Samy
@appsupernova @mbrunygroth @jirka_trecak Wow, great job! Trying it at the moment. I'm interested for our react native app at http://span.health/
Jirka Třečák
@appsupernova @mbrunygroth @patricksamy that app look SICK! And for a great cause, too.
Farid Sabitov
Wow, really interesting idea, good luck guys 👍
Jirka Třečák
@faridsabitov Thanks @faridsabitov ! We are super excited to share this update, as we hope that it will help a ton of people to make the development much easier
Jorge Fouto
This has the potential to CHANGE the Whole Industry!! I have followed Design to Code platforms, over the years, and in my professional opinion, NONE come close to Supernova V4 and what it will offer and has yet to offer! Jirka, the CEO, has done a Wonderful job, building some truly INNOVATIVE and unique AI features, and created a top class, 'Community', super-responsive, and who truly listens to you! A rare humble and smart, trait these days....(it reminds me of the SKetch team in the early days..)
Valeri Potchekailov
Cool stuff guys, as a designer I'll definitely try it out! Upvoted!
Jirka Třečák
@valeripotchekailov Thank you! If you have any questions about how to do stuff is Supernova, I'll be more than happy to answer them :) Also, amazing project yourself, good job. ✊
Ed Brooks
Looks great, I hope to use this very soon on an upcoming project. Best of luck!
Jirka Třečák
@edbrooksio Thank you Ed, if you need any help with your next project, feel free to contact me at jiri@supernova.io :)
How simple would it be to create a recipe app with categories and search capability?
Jirka Třečák
@j5uh Supernova is strictly an UI tool (at this point). We are working on API integrations and they will come soon enough, but for now, you can do just the UI for the app. Supernova IS NOT meant to be a replacement for the programmers, we want programmers to use it to develop much much faster. But the whole UI can be built in it, and for such app as you are describing Supernova would cut down the time needed to built it by up to 80-90%, depending on the design and how much custom stuff is there.
First of all, I would like to congratulate the team for this wonderful, improved release of Supernova V4! 🎉 I’ve been using Supernova for more than 6 months now and the improvements are rolling out with lightning speed!⚡️ In addition, with the release of V4, Supernova is a completely different tool, incomparable to the earlier versions. Out of the many new, shiny features, the autonomous layout is the one I like the most. It just works. As an indie mobile developer, it saves me tons of time, thanks to V4, I can make the UI/frontend part of the app in a very short amount of time, which leads to higher productivity and faster, more efficient workflow 👏. To sum up, if you are looking for a way to make the development process faster and more effective, Supernova is a way to go! Whether you are a developer or a designer, it will make your life easier. Now go and give it a shot! I promise that you won’t be dissapointed. 😎
Jirka Třečák
@matic_lakota The entire team just sat down and read this post, you sure made our day much better. We hope we'll continue to improve Supernova so you are still happy with it! Thank you.
Michael Copley
This looks really cool, will definitely be playing around with this myself for my latest React Native project. I'll circle back with more feedback in a bit. I know its early - but are you able to point me towards freelancers that are well versed in Supernova so that I can hire them to use it to build out our mobile app?
Jirka Třečák
@michael_copley Hey, thanks for reaching out. I'd suggest you join our community slack and the people there might be interested. We currently don't have solid deals on this, but we are working towards some - you are not the first person to ask this question. Here is where you can join the community - https://supernova-community.now.sh/ :) Hope it helps!
Michael Copley
@jirka_trecak Okay great, I'll be sure to do that. Thanks!
Roland Clifford
i like Idea you can realised that
Brad Bitler
I really want this to work and be easy to use. Looking forward to checking it out.
Jirka Třečák
@bitler We really hope you'll be happy about it!
Mohamed Oulmaki
supernova.io and supernova.studio are down for me :(