Ticket Tailor - Start selling tickets in minutes
Do you run events? Want to sell tickets online, but find yourself frustrated by overpriced and over-complex platforms? Try Ticket Tailor - famous for having the lowest fees, exceptional support & a simple platform, you’ll be selling tickets in 5 minutes flat.
Ticket Tailor - Sell tickets online. Low fees. No fuss.
Imagine a powerful event ticketing platform, that works the way you want. Sure, you've tried Eventbrite but wasn't it annoying that they took a huge fee, promoted your competitors events alongside yours, and sent marketing emails to your attendees? Ticket Tailor has sold over 9M tickets for over 10,000 event organisers who want low fees and no fuss
Ticket Tailor: Free for online events - in support event organisers living through this crisis
We are making Ticket Tailor free to use for all online events until 1st July 2020. We hope this will increase the amount of events on offer, provide vital additional revenue for event organisers and create more choice and support to the general public.