Jonny White

Ticket Tailor - Sell tickets online. Low fees. No fuss.


Imagine a powerful event ticketing platform, that works the way you want. Sure, you've tried Eventbrite but wasn't it annoying that they took a huge fee, promoted your competitors events alongside yours, and sent marketing emails to your attendees? Ticket Tailor has sold over 9M tickets for over 10,000 event organisers who want low fees and no fuss

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Jonny White
Hey guys, we are really excited be re-launching on Product Hunt today. We are an established bootstrapped company, founded in 2011 and work with thousands of amazing event organisers who were fed up with the current mainstream platform. Any event organisers in the house? I would love to get your take, particularly first impressions.
Kumy Veluppillai
@jonny_white congrats on the re-launch. The brand and website is 👌 What advice would you give to other makers/founders that are considering a pricing change?
Jonny White
@koomerang1 That is a good question. I have spent a long time thinking about this change and here are a couple of things that I would say are important: - Figure out the goal of your pricing change and keep to it. For us, our previous pricing was causing frustrations to many of our customers, and off putting to many potential customers. Our goal was to make our pricing easier for our customers and increase conversion on the site. We weren't trying to optimise for maximum revenue but least friction for users. You can get caught up thinking: This change would mean loosing X amount of money from client Y. It's obviously important to preserve current revenues but if you are aiming for something bigger you may need to take a hit in the short term. - Do your research. It's difficult to find out exactly how much users would be willing to pay, but it's easy to find out what is important to customers around pricing (e.g. predictability, simplicity, particular models). We found that "low cost" was overall more important to our users than our previous USP of "no ticket fees". We followed a lot of the processes shared by Patrick Campbell for our research - I've written up more in an article here:
Kumy Veluppillai
@jonnywhite @jonny_white great advice! It sounds like this change will set you up to be more successful in the future - It certainly feels easier for me to understand. But also predict how my costs might change over time. Good luck with the pricing experiment :)
Jonny White
@jonnywhite @koomerang1 Thanks Kumy, I appreciate your support.
Jonathan Bull
Congrats on the relaunch, Jonny. I know this has been a long time in the works and it looks like your team have smashed it 💪
Jonny White
@jonathanbull Thanks very much Jon. Appreciate your support.
Patriona Briggs

I’ve used this product fundraising for smaller charity groups in uk, Ireland and USA. I’ve tested lots of online ticking providers. These guys are the best.


No contract. Low fees. Intuitive control panel. Allows donations.


Would like multiuser access but I know they are working on this.

Patriona Briggs
Hi there. I work with lots of small to medium charities and Ticket Tailor is our go to ticketing platform when putting on fundraising events. Just one question ... do you still have the charity discount with the new pricing? This makes a big difference to us as you can imagine.
Jonny White
@patblondon Yes we do. 20% off on all of our prices for charities 😃
Gareth Jake Bull
Congrats Jonny, love it!
Jack Ricketts
My go to integration for events that I want to promote through my website. Great customisation and easy to use and manage