Colin McDermott

How do you prepare for a launch?


Right now I am putting together a to-do list and planning out what we need to prepare in advance. I'd love to know what you guys think are the most important things you can do in the months before a planned launch. Ignoring the quality of the product itself, what would you say is the single most impactful thing you can prepare?

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Upen V
This is my 2023 PH launch brief
Colin McDermott
@upen946 Thanks for sharing! Interesting tip re: posting at 12:01 PST - I had wondered what the timing was.
Upen V
@colinmcdermott Yeah, that when the launch day begins for PH and reset everyday by 12:00 PST in the midnight.
Sabaat Parasad
Prepare for a launch by defining clear goals, crafting compelling messaging, and creating anticipation through teaser campaigns or sneak peeks. Ensure your product is polished, test thoroughly, and establish a robust marketing plan encompassing various channels to reach your target audience effectively.
Colin McDermott
@sabaat_parasad Thanks for the reply Sabaat! Which channels have you found or seen success with?
to-do list a good idea whenever i think best quickest way = make a cool product and pay for marketing though it's not for me, trying to do all by myself
Colin McDermott
@xeno1 Thank you for the reply! What do you think is the best aspect to of marketing to pay for (for a launch?)
Sudakshina Sridharan
- plan thoroughly. - keep the content ready. - ask for initial feedback from a few close people before launch. - build community and be active. - marketing on different platforms.