Hillel Fuld

🎧 ZCast 3.0 - HD Audio - Full HD audio podcasts from your phone or web browser


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Raz Yalov
After months of hard work, we are finally bringing you: 🎧 ZCast 3.0, or as we like to call it: "ZCast HD Audio" πŸ™‰ This is by far the most requested feature enhancement from our loyal user base, and I'm super excited to finally share this version with everyone, after months of testing and experimenting with many formats and standards. This new ZCast version allows streaming in up to studio-quality of 48kHz/Stereo!!! Better than a Compact CD player that can only get to 44.1kHz... But we didn't stop there, the new version also introduces live MP3 streaming, from everywhere. This means that your amazing live HD audio broadcasting can be shared with your followers directly from your Twitter or FB stream, live! No need to install or launch any app, nor do they need to sign up to ZCast, just when they want to listen to your live stream. It will even work from a Twitter feed directly! These new features are adding on top of the other important features we released this year, with the BYOP (Bring Your Own Podcast) feature that allows you to upload your pre-recorded content, and of course the RSS feed that allows you to publish all your recordings on iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher or any other podcasting RSS index you wish. We are on a mission, to build the best professional podcasting platform out there, and this is just the beginning for us! Btw, having the original ZCast 1.0 make it into the prestige 1,000 Club here on Product Hunt, we are sure that this crazy new version will not disappoint on this front as well! And, the most amazing thing is that in this message, I get to thank our hunter and my co-founder in a single note: Thank you @hilzfuld for both hunting ZCast 3.0, and for helping me make the best podcasting platform out there, period! πŸŽ€πŸ’§ Yes, this was an Emoji #MicDrop...
@hilzfuld @razyalov Congrats on launch. greatto see cool product from #yesPhx community. What's the plan for Android app?
Raz Yalov
@keyul Android is definitely on the roadmap...
Menachem Pritzker
Looks great, congrats! What are some of the new features in this version we should look out for? Who are some good creators on the platform you recommend we subscribe to, to get started? Still waiting for Android!!! :)
Hillel Fuld
@mdavep thanks man. HD audio. Social playing. Two main features. Android soon. πŸ˜„
Raz Yalov
@mdavep Re. Android: Noted! Just a reminder can be brave and try the web-app version if your Android's Chrome browser is strong enough. Not as awesome as a native app, but better than nothing... :-)
Menachem Pritzker
@razyalov thanks - those new features are available from the mobile friendly webapp, too? I used to do a daily lunchtime zcast, but people complained about the sound quality (was using the webapp via chrome, which I think slowed things down). Wondering if I should start back up again now that HD audio is a thing.
Raz Yalov
@mdavep You should definitely give it a try. It should be better quality with the new version even on Android's Chrome. The main difference is the UI's usability on mobile Chrome, but the audio quality should be as good as on native iOS or a desktop.
Menachem Pritzker
@razyalov @joshua_yunger looks like we're back in business? #sockcast 2.0
Clark Valberg
Wow having a product this compelling in the market makes me want to look for ways to up our broadcast game! I guess that's the definition of defining a category. Well done @razyalov @hilzfuld and team!
Hillel Fuld
@razyalov @clarkvalberg When a legend comments on your PH. Thank you so much, Clark!
Benny Shaviv
Seriously one of the best podcasting tools out there. seriously.
Hillel Fuld
@bennyshaviv thanks so much brother.
Shashwat Pradhan
Congrats on the launch Raz & Hillel! Was happy to be an early adopter of the first release. Can’t wait to check this one out.
Hillel Fuld
@shashwatpradhan thanks so much.
Nachum Kligman
No question that Podcasting is still in its infancy. Gary Vee is saying that listening to podcasts are slowly taking over listening to music and I for one agree. With each iteration ZCast keeps getting better! The future is very bright! Personally I'm looking forward to the updated android version.
Hillel Fuld
@kligman thanks sir.
Ethan Chernofsky
Quality is amazing. A must have for podcasters
Hillel Fuld
@ethan_chernofsky thanks so much man.
Joshua Yunger
I've been a fan since ZCAST 1.0. Looking forward to hearing some amazing podcasts in HD Audio.
Florian Seroussi
ZCast is not only an amazing podcasting platform with more features than you can think of, it's also an incredible bunch of talented people. Kudos to the team especially to the GOAT @hilzfuld.
Hillel Fuld
@florianseroussi Thanks so much my friend. Highly appreciated.
Ariel Assaraf
Can't wait to try it out :)
Hillel Fuld
@arielassaraf you're the best, dude.
Kenny Silver
Looking forward to experiencing the updates. Keep at it guys! Following and pulling for you from the start.
Gal Dubinski
Looks awesome, good luck!
Hillel Fuld
@galdubinski thank you!!
Ariel Kahan
Congrats for releasing ZCast 3.0, Raz and Hillel - just tried it. Love it!
Yair Kivaiko
I'm in love with Zcast since the beta! Great team behind it and amazing product!
Hillel Fuld
@kobaiko good thing because we're in love with you. :-)
Ben Judah
I used this a little while ago and strayed away. Definitely going back now! Well done @HilzFuld, but any update on Android launch?
Hillel Fuld
@benjudah working on it. Thanks so much.
Alex Bouaziz
Congrats guys! You rock!!
Simon Gelfand
Congrats guys! Looking forward to listing to excellent content
Hillel Fuld
@webshark thanks man.
Ziv Lautman
Wonderful product !
Mark Podolsky
Can't wait to revisit ZCast! Great job Raz and the ZCast team.
Raz Yalov
@thelandgeek would love to hear your thoughts!
Daniel Ravner
Looks great (and I guess sounds even better) Congrats on the launch. Eagerly awaiting the Android version.