Cron Calendar. Schedule meetings and control your time like never before. Time zone conversions. Multiple accounts. A cleaner, faster interface, and — did we mention it comes with dark mode? Get early access at
I started using Cron a year ago (Thanks to Golden Kitty Awards invitations!), and it's completely changed how I use my calendar. Love it, especially for someone who deals with several timezones daily. The quick access to meetings and the snippets to invite someone to schedule a meeting are great additions.
Huge fan of Cron. It has a great interface and has completely replaced my other usage of other, disparate, calendars (google calendars). Excellent UX, visually stunning.
I like Cron, I really do. But I have to be honest, sometimes I resort to the good ol' Google Calendar, mostly because of sync issues or speed. Cron on mobile tends to freeze on me a lot when I try to add new events. Desktop version works great, but sometimes has issues where an event has been canceled but it still showing up in there (even though it doesn't in G Cal). Regardless, it's the best looking calendar I've tried. And I've tried plenty.