AWS Pricing by Strake is an open-source tool to analyze AWS Pricing in Google Sheets. Use our custom functions to collaborate, understand AWS pricing, and make AWS Reservations! Download for free today from the Google Workspace Marketplace!
It's crazy how often I hear how much time engineers are spending on managing cloud costs. This tool is a huge time-saver. Not only do engineers save time and effort, but finance can get questions answered much quicker and can manage the business better! I hope lots of developers start taking advantage of it!
Congrats on the launch! Big thanks for the team for the efforts in creating a product that eases a pain point for many organizations! Excited to have this tool available to simplify estimating costs.
This tool seems like it could be really helpful in understanding the different pricing options and making informed decisions. I especially appreciate the ability to customize usage scenarios and see how that affects the cost.