A compilation of books that influenced and shaped the top entrepreneurs, authors, investors, scientists, politicians, etc. Every single recommendation on the website has been verified and includes a quote and a source link to the recommendation.
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There are millions of books and most of them are not worth your time. MakerReads is a humble attempt to solve this problem by providing the data you need to pick a book that takes you to the next level.
I built a database of thousands of books recommended by the world's top entrepreneurs, investors, and thinkers. The site is pulling 24/7 data from hundreds of online sources, automatically adding new books every day.
Arkvl is a web-app that generates book recommendations based on your favorite authors and genres. Rate the books you like or dislike and we'll find the perfect book for you to read next!
Bookshelves is a fun way to record and share the books you want to read. Track books with categories, ratings and key takeaways. After making your bookshelf, feel free to share your bookshelf on social media using #MyFigmaBookshelf
NextBook is a robust recommendation system to help you find the next book to read. Based on your preferences, we filter through 10K books from a diverse array of genres and over 6M ratings to curate the the best possible set of recommendations.
NextBook is an Android app that provides you all kinds of books based on your picked genres. The books are displayed in a simple UI with details like; name, image and short description of the book, Amazon rating and Amazon link to purchase the book too.
Puny the Puffin is a chatbot expert in all sorts of books. You tell him what you like, and he gives you the best suggestions. Perfect for who loves books!
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