Its in app that delays providing vital information to the public. If i want to find out about a crime. I must pay them to hear what the suspect looks like and possibly where there were last seen. Absolutely ridiculous that they are making money off of victim's of crimes and accidents. We the people shouldnt be paying for an app that pretends to help the public by saying that there helping the community by letting us know of crimes where we reside but the catch is, some of the stuff they post is free..But, the vital information including suspect description and other things we have to pay for at a high charge. FUCK YOUR FAKE APP THAT HELPS ONLY YOUR POCKETS
Citizen now sucks. I am living in NY I do not care or need to know what is happening in LA,Dallas,Philly or any other location.People commenting are idiots,racist and always using political talk. They are not helpful at all. Citizen was good once but now it's like anything else. They aren't looking to help anyone they are looking to line their pockets. They want you to pay for everything I deleted it
Because they've started to charge people just to report problems around the city and it's impossible to really travel and stay safe. I've told all my friends visiting here from EUROPE to download this app it was free and can keep them safe as their moving about the city. WELL THANKS CITIZEN YOU'VE MADE ME LOOK FOOLISH! I'VE UNSUBSCRIBED AND SO HAS MY FRIENDS! SUCH DESPERATE JERKS!
A life-long New Yorker, there were many times that I would see something from afar but have no idea what was happening. Even Google News was not quick enough to report. With Citizen, I am more informed about my surroundings.