Stealthy messages are encrypted before leaving your phone for true end-to-end encryption. It is decentralized, meaning your data is not stored on any servers and your messages go directly to your friends--no middleman. Stealthy even features public channels for chatting with new people and the worlds first decentralized Ask Me Anything!
YEO is a next-gen secure, private messaging platform that authenticates not just the device, but the intended recipient using continuous facial recognition. You decide who views your content, where and when they see it.
Keep confidential information out of email, Slack, Teams, Whatsapp or any other communication channel. A one-time disposable link guarantees your secrets can only ever be accessed once - before being destroyed forever.
Ponder is a social media app for invite-only text threads that anyone can read and subscribe to — it's like Clubhouse for texting. • create a thread → invite others → talk • follow others → subscribe to their threads → read and follow along
the blik redefines secure messaging by enabling you to chat and control the chat with only a the blik id. Нo email addresses, no sharing of personal data! Just a messenger with a non-shareable contact address – only 1 person who has the blik id can contact you
The Invisible-ink App persistently authenticates the user, assuring that ONLY the recipients (sender and receiver) can view their communications. If a second face appears or if someone else hold the phone, the contents become invisible and are obfuscated.