Where do you write down all the things you want to do, not the things you have to do? The TV shows friends tell you to watch, books you've been meaning to read, cities you want to visit, or coffee shops you've been meaning to try.... we didn't have a good answer, so we created Wanna, an app to track your life's "wannas".
TickTick 5.0 added a brand new habit tracker for all users. You can enable it in the Tab Bar settings and start building some good habits with TickTick, meditation, exercise or reading etc. It tracks your life goals in a more precise and scientific way.
Volition is more than a todo list. It’s a framework for becoming more effective. It encourages you be more intentional in planning your day and reflecting on the decisions you made.
Pocket Lists is a beautifully designed to-do list / checklist app for iOS and web. Inspired by the real life experience of making lists of things and keeping them in our pockets.
Todotxt+ is a powerful client for managing tasks using just Plain Text, based on the todotxt.org format. Using simple rules to describe tasks, prioritise, categorise and annotate tasks with ease! And because it's plain text, it's ultra-portable
Pentazemin is not just a ToDo app. This is more like an app for time management. There are a lot of ToDo apps and timer apps for Pomodoro Technique as well. Pentazemin is the app combined ToDo management with Pomodoro Technique. First, set your all tasks to do for the day. Then just follow it, do it, and repeat!
Features: * Focus on a single task * Shortcut for everything * Menu-bar app * Organize your tasks with todos, bookmarks and notes * Drag & Drop file as bookmarks * Open-sourced written with Electron, React, Redux
GenialTask – A task manager with a disappearing to-do list. GenialTask will help you be more productive by focusing on only the most important things. Forget about your uncompleted tasks. Eliminate stress and remorse.
Todo Now lets you swipe through your todos one at a time. Looking at a long list of tasks can be overwhelming. And you can only do one thing at a time. Todo Now reflects that reality by only showing your current task - swipe right to complete, or left to skip.
The best helper you can count on to organize your agenda. Plan your time or just track your time to create better habits. Find time for your personal life and focus on getting your work done.