What do people think of Dateno - dataset search engine?
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What do you think about Dateno - dataset search engine?
Thank you very much! Hope this will help to find better datasets for research!
I have tried using it, nothing relevant to my domain datasets (chemistry)... Looks huge, but needs a better browser!
Hi, Grigory! In Dateno we index data from different sources, mainly from open data portals, geoportals, statistical databases and the like. Chemistry data are almost all published on scientific data portals. We add them too, but more slowly, because there are many search engines in the scientific environment, such as BASE, OpenAIRE and others. I think that by the end of the year we will add several million scientific datasets to the index and then the results in this area will be better.
A single historical research dataset could cover centuries, so it's hard to say the exact date :) We have plans to add filters to filter by year of coverage and year of creation of the dataset.