Plum is the AI Assistant that boosts your bank balance. Set more money aside, invest in what matters to you, and save money on bills.Plum then sets money aside for you, invests it for your future, and stops you being overcharged on bills. All without you having to think about it too hard!
Chime is banking made awesome. No hidden bank fees, get paid up to two days early, grow your savings automatically and always be in control of your money with our mobile banking app. Apply Today!
Hack Club is the world’s largest network of high schoolers learning to code through tinkering and building projects, together.Learn how to start a coding club at your high school through Hack Club. Get programming club ideas, curriculum, activities, and more.
Harold is a habit tracking method you can actually stick with. No more updating a google spreadsheet and then never looking at it again. Harold takes care of the tracking for you. Start building those daily habits and unlock your potential.
We are bunq, Bank of The Free. We’re here to break free from the status quo, and create a bank with our users in mind. Giving them the freedom to live life on their own terms.
We built our own financial system from the ground up, and with the launch of our app in 2015, reinvented banking as you know it. And that’s just the beginning!
Exeq is in app to help you better understand your spending. Exeq links to your bank account and shows you your spending in the Exeq Feed™️. See where you’re spending and set goals weekly to make checking your bank account way less stressful. Download Exeq for free in the App Store.