Lost founder w heart of gold...en shower
14 reviewsDubb reminds me of Tesla. Its the founders insane brilliance and affable characters that make you want to buy it before you even know what the #@#@k they are selling. Then you try the product and are like holy @#$@ mother #$#@ son of a #424%23 dingle berry $@$% on a @!#@ stick that was cool!
The founders make it look like it's somehow possible to have fun ....working,. and are accessible constantly, even bothering you with emails to get you to use a product that you already paid for to make sure you are not having problems and/or need any help with quite literally anything without the annoying damn upsells plaguing the competition. It is all complete insanity and kind of pissess you off with envy, the energy levels and enjoyment they seem to have at their work, which last I checked ranked at over 9000.
The product Dubb itself can only be best described as pure badassery that provides you a sort of all in one toolkit, along with knowledge of how to utilize those tools. Dubb guides you through the process of video creation with sock puppet levels of simplicity, which especially beginners like myself need. This is especially true now more than ever during these darkest of demoralizing depressive home quarantined downtrodden dystopian vitamin d deficient alliteration loving days ahead.
In summary, I can not recommend them highly enough, Dubb pretty much gives you hope, skills, and the type of energy only matched by 10 gallons of coffee, adderall & Redbull compacted into that syringe from the movie Pulp Fiction, which is then shoved hard core straight into your heart and arse to deliver you some get up and go and sets you onto a journey to become the content creating king that you can be and should be. Treat yourself dammit go dubb!