As a SaaS product manager, the challenge of meeting requirements from a multitude of customers spanning several verticals is daunting. Extend alleviates much of that pressure, shields core development from grinding out a hodgepodge of random enhancements, and empowers customers amplify the value of the solution. I love this idea.
I started using Auth0 extend as a prototyping framework to get API endpoints available as quick as I could. After writing a few of these, I started to expand on the framework with slack extensions. Auth0 extend is a powerful framework that is easy to setup, configure, and scale.
I use AWS and GCP and Extend/webtasks in my work. Of the three, webtasks are the most straightforward to create and deploy. I can spin up a webtask in half the time it takes to create an AWS Lambda function. It's easy to address security on the platform, as well as to use a hybrid approach between the Extend platform and other cloud providers. IMO, the greatest benefit is enabling your internal/external customers the ability to implement custom integrations without having to setup their own cloud environments.