An event analytics platform that allows anyone to get answers from their customer and revenue data in seconds. It offers powerful real-time charts and visualizations of how people interact with your digital products and company.
You're already using mixpanel to track events, but some events deserve special attention. e.g. you track signups. But does a John Doe signup event equals a Mark Zuckerberg signup event? With pingpoint, you can alert anyone in your organization when these super important events happen, so they can act instantly.
With accountanalysis you can evaluate Twitter accounts faster. Reasearchers and journalists use it determine how automated and fitting an accounts behaviour is, when it's active, which apps it uses and what URLs it shares.
Powerful Google Analytics and Search Console companion.
Automatic monitoring for your website traffic changes. Track goal conversions, SEO searches, pageviews. Smart SEO insights.
TweetBeak is a cloud base App that helps you grow your Twitter Audience like a Pro and expand your Reach. You get many mechanisms, automation and approaches to analyse the public conversation, monitor data, grow your Twitter account and maintain it easily.