What do you think about Funden™ Assisted Fundraising?
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What do people think of Funden™ Assisted Fundraising?
The community submitted 27 reviews to tell
us what they like about Funden™ Assisted Fundraising, what Funden™ Assisted Fundraising can do better, and
Fundraising is the easy part. The hard part is finding investor information and finding people in my network that know them. Funden solves the pain in a way that’s creative and unique.
I want to give credit to the advice from the clear professionals in their fields. The lessons and experience shared from the team at funden has advanced my deck and delivery of our concept much better that I ever could have by myself. Leave the funding hunting to the pros.
I was one of the early adopters and the team's attention to detail hasn't gone down even as they've apparently gotten lots more customers. Great service, easy win