Instabug empowers mobile teams test new features, improve app quality, and collect actionable feedback from users across the entire mobile development lifecycle
Bugsee allows developers to see what led to bugs and crashes in live apps and eliminates the difficult, time-consuming task of bug and crash reporting.
Highlight keeps your web app stable and your customers happy! With pixel-perfect session replay, you'll get full visibility into the issues and interactions that are slowing down your users. For Product Hunt users, we're gifting 2 weeks of Highlight for free!
Disbug is a chrome extension that lets you record screen with voice narration and post to jira along with technical logs with a click of a button. From QA to fixing, save huge time involved in bug fixing. Easier for testers, efficient for developers!
Create data-rich bug reports and end-to-end tests with a few clicks.
Bird lets you auto-capture your screen, actions and technical logs. This saves QA, PM, CS and Eng teams over 50% of time on bugs reported by testers and even non-technical users.
Buglife is a mobile bug reporting software. It captures all related information like capture logs, network info and routes it to Jira or Slack to provide developers with rich bug reports in the reporting tools they are used to using.
Your app users can now report their problems in seconds! Shake SDK then automatically supplements those reports with a ton of data you will love (user's OS, device, steps to reproduce, network requests, logs, permissions...) so you can fix 'em 50✕ faster 😍
QAReplay keeps monitoring the activity on screen but allows you capture only unexpected behaviors. Replay - customized preserved length, with sharable url Cross-Platform - supports Windows, macOS and Linux Security Matters - can only monitor certain window
BugBattle is the most affordable and fun in-app bug reporting tool for apps & web apps! With BugBattle we put the annoying task of bug fixing upside down and turned it into a fun experience for your whole team.
With FEEDBEE you can create a personalized feedback page and use it to conduct a multi-source assessment of your work, behaviour, performance, product, service or business idea. Feedback is gathered anonymously and a graphical presentation of the results is available instantly in the user panel.
Ybug allows website users to send visual feedback with an annotated screenshot and all the contextual information included. All the important info you need to fix the bug, including visual snapshot of the page, browser environment info and console output.
Djaty bug reporting tool lets you screenshot, annotate, and report issues along with technical logs and other information. No more bug reproducing. From QA to fixing, save huge time in bug reporting and fixing. Easier for testers, efficient for developers!