Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Swift Playgrounds is a development environment for Swift created by Apple Inc. The original macOS version of Playgrounds, launched as an integrated part of Xcode, was announced and released by Apple Inc. in June 2, 2014 during WWDC 2014
Enki is an AI-powered skills coach that helps professionals and teams fulfill their potential.
Our prosumer product is an AI-powered coach in coding, no-code, AI, data and other critical hard skills. It's been used by millions of professionals, with over 10,000 paying customers.
Our enterprise product helps scaling companies like Jackpocket, Monzo and Bolt ramp up their employees efficiently and at scale.
Enlight is a resource aimed to teach anyone to code through building projects. Hosting a wide variety of tutorials and demos, Enlight provides developers with sample projects and explains how they work.
The imagi app turns learning how to code into a fun, creative, and social experience! Beginners can level up their coding skills while creating pixel art, and share their creations with a supportive community of fellow imagiCoders.
A Best-in-Class iOS App: The Book (Beta Edition) is being written to help any level of iOS developer take full advantage of the platform, create & design meaningful apps & ensure anyone can use them. Master accessibility, design, user experience and iOS APIs.
Coding Planets is an android game that teaches you the logic behind programming! It's like [insert trendy android/ios game here] but actually useful :)
Learn physical computing with boards like the Arduino, ESP32 & evive, program robots, make games & animations, interactive DIY projects & do much more with PictoBlox - a Scratch based graphical programming software that makes learning to code super fun!
Kids can learn to create fun and impressive apps through Wyz Kits: subscription app-making kits that use Wyz Create, our powerful and intuitive app-making platform. No more syntax error frustrations– Wyz Create puts creativity first!