This bot helped me a lot. I was so confused when I started my instagram business, you know the follower gaining and stuff.. these things are hard and would take a lot of time from me! so I used this bot and started up my work.
I love the schedule posting feature..
Thanks anyway instazood!
I love the new feature (story viewing) and I used auto dm and schedule posting. These really helped me cause I have like 20k followers and I can't manage my account by myself and It's definitely cheaper than hiring an assistant.
I wish Instagram didn't have following limitations. so that I could use the bot's full potential.
Good anyway.
I am so in a hurry to get more followers, and I can wait this much to earn the k! but there is nothing to do about it so good one anyway !
Sending direct auto messages is one if the best option for me😊. I have many friends on Instagram. Every particular day I'd like to send congratulations message or ... to them. But I can't do it by self; it takes my time so much 😒. I hadn't a clue before I use Instazood. This bot sends every message that I want to my followers or any users on Instagram. I make a list of my followers who I want to send DM into it.
I saved a lot time using this site for my Instagram marketing and it really helped me get more engagements. but I can't afford a proxy too!
I'm just using it for a week. I used 3days free trial and I see good results and want to see more. So I subscribe for 3month for now, during these 10days I see no recognizable bad thing. Let's move forward so strongly.Hope it goes as weel as now to the future, cause i just really tired of trying lots of Instagram bots good and safe enough to use.
I'm using Instazood for more than 7months and I'm satisfied with it, but I get forced to use a proxy for two months, cause likes were not working, but now again everything has became good. I have gained more than 7K in these months.
I have find it in product hunt! so I thought maybe I should write a review too!
It is so easy to work with and helps you alot with gaining real followers.
It hasn't been crashed yet so i think that's a good sign !
My engagement rate got really higher by using this platform, the only problem is I can't check my instagram while the bot is working, cause the instagram might get suspected! but overall I liked it.