It's a powerful tool for creating interactive prototypes and managing the design process. Easy to use, it provides convenient collaborative editing and project discussion. An excellent choice for web designers and development teams
This has been the missing piece in our internal design workflow. We've been using sketch measure for about a year now - but thrilled to see invision offering a solution. Keeps things simple with sketch and invision. Bravo.
Very excited to finally get a chance to try to out in production! After I had the opportunity to play around with the initial beta several months back, the potential was immediately obvious – but with this official release, it's definitely taken to the next level. I'm really excited by how it not only integrates the initial prototyping features of Silver Flows, but also shows the actual flows between screens, similar to what can be achieved with the User Flows plug-in. Good job, Craft team!
Guhhhhh so nice. Lots of times I like to do live walkthroughs, just to make sure my team/client doesn't miss anything (even if I leave comments all over the place I'm never sure they'll explore and see them all). Rad.